But the crux of the (unsolvability of the problem of unlimited individual greed?) seems to be about - the impossibility of passing specific anti- legislation; that which might be capable of anticipating a next recursive, intentionally turgid MBA accounting scheme:
such as inevitably will \ufffd0.
Of course this may even be the fatal flaw in the 'logic' of the entire pseudo-science of the law [!?] It is the specificity of all statutes which renders them inherently vulnerable to a small morphing of the tactics of those who are Conservatives (of their ill-gotten gains).
'Justice' is not only blind but has been knee-capped to boot.
Think Billy! and his fav murdered word, innovation. Prolly folks at the virtuosic level of a Milken + his acolytes are inherently unreformable. I suppose we must lock them up for at least 3.0 lifetimes.
(Well, at least until: All of the jails are bizness enterprises - for-profit natch. Next to the 7-11 Grammer [sic] School)
I fear that each new scam shall be detected only after a significant number of perps have moved to the Caymans. Then the gofers will be "made an example of". Face it: it's about Karma - we drew this death&dumbth planet for having really Screwed Up! 'before' - in some Cosmic sense.
Now we pay. (Hey.. that's almost Christian! eh? - primordial sin n'stuff. Oh Boy: can Guilt be far behind?)
Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle..