Another, too: tip from a caller -
[link|http://math.cofc.edu/faculty/kasman/MATHFICT/search.php?orderby=title&go=yes&genre=chi| Thomas Gray: Philosopher Cat] (seen further down this interesting listing.) Some comments by the [link|http://www.siam.org/news/news.php?id=200| author].
Bon appetit
curl grad V=0 and all that Jazz :-0
Simple stories Do Take.. at kid level. Believe I've mentioned several times here, that I learned all I needed to understand about "Why 'ecology' ??" - (all unawares at the initial reading, natch) from a Captain Marvel comic book - a copy of which I'd trade an oscilloscope for, just to see how well I recall the simple plot..
That moment forever trained my eye to Spot the many, many ways in which this society has actually built its entire "capital-ism" shtik upon the necessary inculcation that Growth must be unlimited and that regular Waste must be deified -- so that you will replace things endlessly; so that more $$/time/drudgery shall ... Da Capo "return to beginning."
(I expected US to be bitten on ass much earlier than Now. But we are sooo creative at hiding shit via euphemisms.. maybe it Still doesn't know -??- that that was a Cottonmouth that made those reddening fang marks in the ass.)