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New Reported rocket attack on plane in D.C.
[link|http://www.washingtontimes.com/business/20020221-17826037.htm|They missed]


An Alexandria woman said she saw a "flare or rocket" ascending toward a US Airways flight landing at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport last month, similar to a report from a Southwest Airlines pilot landing at Baltimore-Washington International Airport Sunday.
The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating a report by the pilot of Southwest Flight 454 that he saw what looked like a model rocket pass on the left side of his aircraft Sunday evening.
The FAA says it has no reports of the rocket sighting by the Alexandria resident, Joyce Mucci.
The trade association public relations coordinator said she observed the incident while driving home from work Jan. 20 at sunset near Reagan Airport.
"It was like a rocket, kind of a reddish thing that came up from the river bank," Mrs. Mucci said. "It was aimed toward the back of the jet. Maybe the pilot didn't see it."
Mrs. Mucci said she doubted it was a model rocket.
"It did not look like any model rocket I've ever seen," she said. Her son used to play with model rockets when he was a child.
"When he was a kid, we used to make model rockets, and they don't look like that. It was right toward the back of the jet, right behind the engine. It went at an angle like it was aimed at the jet."
She added, however, that the object did not get close enough that it could have brought down the airplane.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Heat seekers are available locally
at about 1200 USD prolly not our osama buddies.
"I'm selling a hammer," he says. "They can beat nails with it, or their dog."
Richard Eaton spy software innovator
New My vote is for marsh gas :-)
or perhaps pixies... there's a real danger out there, and people are paranoid. The question is, of course, are we paranoid enough?

This was discussed on another forum. One of the guys there does model rockets competitively, and keeps up with the tech. He and a few other guys came up with a budget of roughly a thousand bucks for a genuine, Mach 1+, heat-seeking anti-aircraft missile, made out of stuff you can get fairly easily, including control systems for model airplanes.

But why the f*k bother? The real military ones aren't much more expensive in such forward-looking places as Ukraine and *stan.

And even so, I still think it was a Kincheloe repeat. People are seeing, and reporting, all kinds of things these days. The things tend not to be saucer-shaped any more, for some reason.
New Why..___Why next you'll be questioning the value of
eye-witness testimony! even in our [justice] Courts of [justice] Law!!

Sounds subversive to me..

Gort, Klaatu barada nikkto!

New Nah. But I'm waiting for summer
so I can try a different mode of dress while traveling on the airlines.

Bikini briefs, thong sandals, and a tight-fitting T-shirt without logos or mottoes. Hand luggage: a 6x6" mesh bag containing clean underwear.

The rest gets checked.

Trolling for searches...
     Reported rocket attack on plane in D.C. - (marlowe) - (4)
         Heat seekers are available locally - (boxley) - (3)
             My vote is for marsh gas :-) - (Ric Locke) - (2)
                 Why..___Why next you'll be questioning the value of - (Ashton) - (1)
                     Nah. But I'm waiting for summer - (Ric Locke)

5 out of 7, perfect.
58 ms