But can you be a Cardinal with.. beady eyes + a squint?
Nice segue by Graham, though. It suggests that old dogs can indeed learn.
I still miss Father (Miller MB) Sale, a guy who could have brought much wisdom to the last 20 years of US theological infighting. He died early - from effects of a &*$% HS football injury. {sigh}
(I used to bring my cornet on cycle and play little pieces for Trumpet & Organ for Sunday services. Can't even recall what 'denomination' (Episcopal?) he represented, but as a person he was Everyman - and a consummate puncturer of sanctimonius Righteousness and all cant. That's why we really Needed his services..)
I can only imagine! what he'd have said about Ashcroft's conspicuous 'prayer meetings' at government office - all "voluntary" for associates, natch. Natch.
Thank Gawd for.. the honest priests!