Actually I find more incisive thought in the screed you linked to; the lady who fired one at one o' our PopIcons - than any Univ. 'grade' psych / sociology course. This woman had good taste: picked an appropriate target for her pea shooter and, while there is bitterness from experience, in her phraseology:
She has the guts to notice the layers and layers of 'traditional Farmily Valuez' which are, even more cynical a construct than her's! (need I add IMnsHO?) The entire male/female relationship in most places simply mirrors the BS about "the compassionate rich" VS the "poor because they are lazy" and the other Murican fantasies we were fed with the pabulum about this bein a 'democracy'. No wonder the occasional female loses it.. and starts gunning for anything wearing gonads and spouting drivel. Thanks for that link - made my whole day!
As a life-long 'biker' of a sort, I'm not unfamiliar with stereotypes about most any 'just slightly Different' assemblage in Puritan Murica. It's how I learned how the mob Really operates = every bully is a scared shitless little boy, just like the lady said.
Your take on the arrival of crank/speed etc. seems about right - and as inevitable as.. Billy givin away a few pittances to try to create a different rep from "autistic brat sociopath". Hypocritical little prick..
I can't fault the Angels, say, for collectin toys fer tots n'such periodic PR, too: in Murica all there IS is 'image' - and you can remanufacture that anytime.
'Least we gots Hunter Thompson / Fear and Loathing in [Everywhere] / Tom Lehrer, Geo Carlin! .. for occasional breaths of fresh air amidst the daily drivel. Maybe we fucking *Deserve* the sanctimonious cadaver-face of the Holy Twit Ashcroft - to rub our noses in how fucking Ridiculous we have become, as a 'nation' and especially as: "an example of how to live on this planet\ufffd". Poetic Justice!
Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle..
What a horrific denouement! to.. the magnificent Vision of the Founding Mothers: that 'we' have become such a banal, Puritan-fearful, theological-besotted bunch of Corporate drones, let into our cubicles each dawn, to slave away for the 3% Super-Rats as are always behind the scenes, wallowing in terminal greed. (Thanks Holly Golightly, for That epithet!). RIP Audrey Hepburn - you too were a breath of fresh air VS the usual self-obsessed 'star' (I met her, before Roman Holiday came out and she became a Super Object of Attention: Class.)
Well.. enough pleasantries for this fine foggy Thursday. So aside from That Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?
Maybe we deserve Ari Fleisher too: remember.. WATCH WHAT YOU SAY! <<< OK: Fuck You Too, Ari! Bite me.