...for Jesse or Al. There isn't someone making a living off of getting facetime in the media about >outrage< like this occurring.

Pulitzers are not won by reporting the injustices against white folks in the deep south.

Make Rodney King white. Think it would've been the same case? I sincerely doubt it.

Here's the controversial point for the day. White Americans for the most part have accepted equality and see more harm than good coming from making huge deals of "hate crimes".

The >self-appointed< black leadership (because they by no means have full support) of Jesse, Al, Louis et al survive on keeping the divide present...and indeed profit from keeping the racial divide as wide as possible.

The Democratic Party has used this type of positioning to keep the strongholds on the urban centers. Essentially profiting from keeping the racial divide as an issue.

The controversial question then becomes...are the problems facing black and other minorities of today actually problems stemming from their race or are these problems stemming from the fact that a majority of them are located in decaying urban centers? Or maybe a little of both?

Coffee talk...the number is 555-4444...call me...we'll talk.