[link|http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/29/AR2007082901928.html?hpid=opinionsbox1|Washington Post]
We said that our preliminary research found widespread agreement among administrators, academics and election experts from all points on the political spectrum that allegations of fraud through voter impersonation at polling places were greatly exaggerated. We noted that this position was supported by existing research and an analysis of several years of news articles. The commission chose instead to state that the issue was a matter of considerable debate. And while we found that problems of voter intimidation were still prevalent in a variety of forms, the commission excluded much of the discussion of voter intimidation.

The real report found that voter identity fraud is not a significant problem, but that intimidation is in some areas. The first problem was raised to being a major issue while the second was down played.

This could tie into the fired US attorney scandal, but could just be the desire of the White House to play up crimes they think of as "Democrat party crimes" and play down the "Republican party crimes." Particularly the ones they where committing themselves.
