I'm not complaining at all. I would have been pleasantly surprised, but not shocked, if everything had upgraded without a hitch. I was able to do an upgrade of Kubuntu a few weeks after release without issues. Tonight I was just seeing what would happen.
It was prompted by a discussion at work with someone who is trying to get a new Mac laptop and thinking about running Parallels or VMWare to run the occasional Windows program. I hadn't booted Kubuntu in a while so I decided to do so.
Few get as annoyed with Windows as me; but it takes a while to get comfortable enough to make the jump. I've had good luck with MEPIS, but the fact that it's such a small distro makes me nervous. Ubuntu has the mindshare, but a few minor things seem to happen now and again that I don't know enough about yet to fix. Raw Debian sounds safest, but developing the knowledgebase and comfort level to get things done with confidence will likely take more time than I can give right now.
Don't be too hard on Andrew. Please.