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New Amazing prediction
Compare Chesley Bonestell's 1944 space art with images from the Cassini probe:




New Nice pix!

Nobody has a more sacred obligation to obey the law than those who make the law. -- Sophocles (496? - 406 BCE)
New Chesley Bonestell's real estate
I remember his illustrations from a Time-Life volume from the Fifties, The World We Live In (the phrase "we live in" being obviously rather broadly defined in this instance). In the latter 1980s I saw in the window of an upscale realty I used to pass on my Sunday morning constitutional a listing for his Berkeley house. If I recall the details correctly, it was offered at either slightly north or just shy of a million bucks,* and featured all-new wiring and hand-painted friezes by the longtime owner. Alas, it was out of my reach.


*To give you an idea of the market, the splendid bungalow I rented back then was sold in 1993 for $200K and change, which suggests that it might have been had in 1987 or 1988, when I happened upon this listing, for at most about three quarters of that sum. The last time it changed hands, three or four years ago, it went for something in excess of $900K. I'm pleased to have had it for fifteen years. To this day, landed gentry in a humbler district that I've since become, I still dream that I'm living back on H--- Avenue illicitly, in fear of the legit owner discovering me and turning me out.
Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.
     Amazing prediction - (tablizer) - (2)
         Nice pix! -NT - (a6l6e6x)
         Chesley Bonestell's real estate - (rcareaga)

You're right, because clearly cabbage soppy wankel ebbeh gruntsponge.
33 ms