Not to get too crazy with this, but the actual "right" is to keep and bear "arms". Not such a "liberal" notion given the times it was written... If you didn't hunt, you may starve. The strict interpretation of this "right" would mean that I could bear "any damned arm" I please, including a tank, a flame thrower, cruise missile, nukes, etc... While this would probably come in handy on the freeway sometimes, I don't necessarily think that this was what the framers of the thing foresaw... I could be wrong. Moreover, I don't give a solid rat's ass what the "framers" foresaw if you try and tell me that it's good for a civilized society to walk around with holsters and ouzi's...
And in the same liberal spirit, given the First Amendment, I should be free to pray anywhere I please, including a public school. And I should be free to pray to whatever I want to in public. I should be free to say fuck on TV and to yell "fire" in a crowded theater. Seriously. There is no qualification. It says "Congress shall make NO law"... This is guaranteed to me in the First...
So therein lies the rub with me. We, as a society, either need to encase this precious document in glass and start praying to it, or to continue to edit/repeal/repent or do whatever is in "we the people's" power to make it apply to the needs of the current century/era. I personally would prefer that we choose to keep trying to improve. And what we need to stop doing is using it like a fundamentalist preacher trying to prove "his" point by selecting on the parts that suit his needs - and omitting the rest. We need to decide in a binary fashion (;-) - IS IT STATIC AND SACRED, OR IS IT A STARTING POINT... I think a lot of arguments could be stopped before they got started if we'd just determine this. Again, I could be mistaken.
I went through all of that to tell you that I really like your idea of creating a new system of labels based on where a person leans on a Societal/Individual rights and responsibilities scale. It's a good starting point.
Consider this the preface to the Danifesto...