Fox News carried a straight-faced report on Tuesday that NFL quarterback "Michael Vick is being sued for 63 trillion billion dollars" by Jonathan Lee Riches, a prisoner serving time at South Carolina's Williamsburg Federal Collection Facility.
Noting no new developments in the case, Fox's account added little veracity to a handwritten complaint that Vick stole two Riches' pit bulls, entered them in dog fights, subsequently sold the dogs on eBay, and, ultimately, used the proceeds to buy missiles from Iran on behalf of al Qaeda.
Shepard Smith, who recently promised he was "not going to do more crap," concluded the segment by stating, "Fox News can confirm none of this," followed by a heartfelt, "Good grief!"
Fox News repeated a garbage story about a prison lawsuit tying Vick to al Qaeda as a serious item. At least the guy reading on the air had the good sense to be offended by what he just read when he finished it.