"Altruism"? You make me laugh!
I know it's no big secret to you, but I have very little confidence in our system of checks and balances or in the altruism of the Congress, the White House or the Supreme Court.
The same lack of confidence was enshrined in our Constitution. The government will, because of human nature, seek to control every aspect of people's lives and remove every personal freedom.
Now, the only way I can see to stop this is to cut through the rhetoric and jingo and blah words that pass for "political discussion".
If we can take each right / responsibility apart to its basic components, we can have an actual DISCUSSION.
We can also illustrate how the rights and responsibilities of the individual and the society are linked.
I'm not paranoid enough to think there is a vast conspiracy and based on my experience with the government, I doubt that they could ever coordinate such a major conspiracy.
No real conspiracy. Just human nature. People with a psychological need to control others finding their way into governmental positions. And the cycle continues.
The rights we lose through bureaucracy will only be regained through revolution.
Or, there MIGHT be another way.
>IF< enough people are educated on the process and willing to put the effort in, the laws removing the rights can be repealed. The rights can be codified.
The only problem I see is that the process will take actual effort. Effort spent >THINKING< instead of restating current slogans. Effort spent writing the laws and pushing them through the legal system.
The sheep will believe whatever tripe is fed to them by the government (populated by people seeking to take their rights).
Well, they'll believe it as long as they can be kept warm, fat and happy (ignorance is bliss).
And, yes, most people are sheep who can't even name their congress-critters. I won't even go into world history or even US history or international politics.
Jingoism appeals to emotions.
Discussion appeals to intellect.
We can change the situation. If we want to and if we have the dedication to do so.
Or we can sit back and let whatever will happen, happen.