The Iron-y -- that *ALL* these mondo Top-Dog orgs. with CIEIOS who have themselves bent, twisted 'rules' Beast-style, to get where They Are:
..imagining ..for-THAT-long!
that this bunch of glib spielers could somehow materialize such massive proceeds -- from no visible (or even imaginable) sources. Worse: imagine their concluding that they need not Check On Anything because, surely
these fellow biznessmen could not be That Corrupt!! - -
(No 'quarterly report' ?? OK how about dissecting an ANNUAL?)
right on down to the internal dummy holding-cos trading bogus paper == The earlier CREEP show,
as unravelled by just a couple reporters (Committe to Reelect ... remember them?)
(Imeanweallshavebitofftruthiness,nowandthen -- but We Are all Honorable Men. (for various def'ns.))
I suppose this is why Doze is still King of the biz IT-heap - the CTO is a first cousin of the CEO, thrice removed. Got their MBAs from the same mail-order. Maybe it is (already?) pointless to talk about Enron; when corruption is such that ONE Arb can extract an ANNUAL bonus of ~One Hundred Million $USD - and that is called, merely "smart biznessman." One presumes then that Enron, in cozy meetings -- is dissed largely because they -
1) got caught. How perfectly matched to the methods and goals of the Cheney Admin.
2) brought bright lights, for a few moments, into How corps can so easily play this shell game and
3) made themselves, other wanna-be perps look Stupid, unable to do it even Better.
(Even new 'Regulations' don't mean shit, when the major players' largest attention is >on< simply, Not Getting Caught.) We are Rome, with transistors and more expensive chariots:
Only today Caligula is a 'we' -
that Top 00.1%; that 300,000 who extract as much of the Sigma-wealth as the 25? 35? 50 million (this year?) chattels at the bottom: all via manipulating abstract , obfuscated "financial instruments", via numbers utterly disconnected from anything Alive.
Enron? - which week will it disappear into the attention-span pit.
Like the S&L bailout: there will be no Corrections in a system with magnets under every roulette wheel - when it is working so well for those who Count, it must be 'conserved'.