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New Perhaps the Best Summary I've ever read.
American democracy: R.I.P
The emergence of the Fascist American Theocratic State
By John Stanton and Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writers

February 17, 2002\ufffdHistorians will record that between November 2000 and February 2002, democracy\ufffdas envisioned by the creators of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution\ufffdeffectively came to an end.

As democracy died, the Fascist American Theocratic State ["The State"] was born. This new fascist era was designed and implemented primarily by Republican organizations and individuals who funded, supported and ultimately inserted George Bush II in office. Equally complicit in this atrocity was the Democratic Party, itself having become corrupt and beholden to its own interests. But the greatest tragedy in this horrific turn of events was that the public and media embraced fascism's coming. It should be noted that the Green Party's valiant efforts were too little, too late.

Three events accelerated the demise of American Democracy. The Election of 2000 (the American version of a coup), the 911 attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon primarily by terrorists from Saudi Arabia (a vaunted but corrupt U.S. "ally" that funded both the terrorist Al Qaeda network and the Taliban) and the US response to it, and the spate of corporate bankruptcies, most notably Enron, which provided clear evidence\ufffdto those who dared look at it\ufffdthat the American democratic process was a sham.

The Bush administration, composed of a number of former Enron officials in its upper ranks, could only describe the worst financial collapse in the world's history as a "tragedy" as if it were akin to a hurricane or earthquake and not man-made.

The administration then proceeded to convince a nation of lemmings that Enron was not a political scandal but merely an unfortunate mistake that must not be repeated. However, other Enron-like collapses began being reported with similar disastrous consequences for pensioners and workers. Indeed, a long train of abuses and usurpations took place at a frightening pace in that short 15-month period.

Prior to 911, proponents of the The State were busy dismantling tried and tested treaties and agreements, such as the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, painstakingly hammered out by President Richard Nixon and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev\ufffdand panning others such as the Kyoto Agreement on the environment and the Oslo Accord on Israeli-Palestinian peace.

It's worth noting that the US was voted off the UN Human Rights Commission during that timeframe and, in spite of that, appointed three suspected human rights violators (John Negroponte, Otto Reich, and Elliott Abrams) to positions of high office within the US Department of State and National Security Council.

Post-911 saw suspension of US constitutional and international law and modifications to suit the needs of The State. Soon thereafter, an inaptly named USA PATRIOT Act and the establishment of US Military Tribunals would be enacted in the same lightning fashion as when Adolph Hitler scrapped the German Constitution in the wake of the 1933 Reichstag fire.

Pentagon spokesman began looking beyond 911. They branded "activists, anarchists, and opportunists" as the terrorists of tomorrow. In fact, the FBI began scanning the Internet for web sites that contained what The State considered seditious and unpatriotic content and, in a few cases, began shutting them down in a sort of cyberspace version of Nazi book burning.

With the apprehension of John Walker Lindh in northern Afghanistan, Americans were inundated with the misdeeds of the "American Taliban," the Traitor. Not since the witch hunting days of Joe McCarthy and the execution of the Rosenbergs had the country been swept up in a tempest of quick accusations of traitorous activities. Off the Orwellian telescreens run by the three cable news networks was any mention of the close contacts between American oil companies, like UNOCAL, and the Taliban, and the fact that the firm, unlike Lindh, made cash payments to the regime in return for the much-sought-after trans-Afghan oil and natural gas pipeline. This was done with the active encouragement of key members of both the Clinton and Bush II administrations.

U.S. laws prohibiting such influence peddling, like the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, were overlooked. This hypocrisy and the overarching influence of oil over The State's foreign policy is described in a new book by ex-CIA agent Robert Baer, a veteran covert operator in the Islamic world. He states that he found "that the tentacles of big oil stretch from the Caspian Sea to the White House."

Big Oil would convince the Bush administration to turn an ill-advised and ineffective counter-drug war in Colombia into a counter-insurgency operation aimed at protecting the pipelines of US oil companies. Bypassed was a congressional law limiting the number of US private military personnel in Colombia to five hundred.

Bush announced that he wanted as many military privateers as it took to "stabilize" the entire Andean region. Meanwhile, Bush's CIA shock troops began destabilizing the government of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who began to appear as a candidate for the "Axis of Evil" for his independent views of US foreign policy.

With the statement, "You're with us or against us," The State signaled to its long term allies that it reserved the right to establish a new world order based on the great Western Way. Dictatorships and totalitarian regimes were now praised by government officials as freedom loving nations.

Military dictators became heroes. George Bush II used the opening of the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City to push American nationalism and his stone-faced grimace directed at the passing of the team from Iran\ufffdone of Bush's "Axis of Evil" nations\ufffdevoked memories of that other nationalist-based Olympic opening ceremony, that in Berlin in the Summer of 1936, a ceremony that saw Hitler making snide remarks to his Reich lieutenants on the presence of African-American sprinter Jesse Owens on the American team. Under the guise of a war that would never end, The State became brazen in its mission.

On the domestic front, clear distinctions between the government and the corporation, and the government and the military evaporated. Government propagandists, formerly corporate propagandists, proclaimed that The State would be an easy brand to sell to the people.

In fact, the State Department appointed a Madison Avenue advertising executive as head of its International Public Diplomacy Bureau to pitch "America" abroad as if it was a brand of running shoe, detergent, or deodorant.

Meanwhile, The State gave carte blanche authority to the CIA to assassinate foreign leaders\ufffdan edict that abrogated President Gerald Ford's 1976 Executive Order banning such murders. Responding to the policies of The State, senior military officers began questioning why right-wing Bush political appointees in the Defense Department scrapped the concepts of US military/international coalition peacekeeping and humanitarian operations in favor of "stability operations" and "unilateralism."

The defense budget ballooned to $400 billion while the wealthiest individuals and organizations received tax reductions and bailouts from the government. Those same recipients would fire close to a million people and rape their pension plans, conveniently forcing them back into the workplace.

The State raided the Social Security and Medicare accounts to transfer billions of dollars to defense contractors and out of the pockets of senior citizens who were promised assistance with prescription drugs by a now utterly exposed ruse\ufffda "Compassionate Conservative Bush administration."

In a country gone mad, cattle and crops would be designated matters of "national security" as an un-elected occupant of the White House ineloquently declared, "the nation has to eat." Meanwhile, The State's media machine would equate the speeches of George Bush II, an individual who relies on cue cards with a short list of antonym pairs like "good man" and "evil doer," to those of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

Government officials would proclaim on many occasions that any dissent to and from the government's initiatives would be branded as unpatriotic and terrorist. In that environment thousands of Americans and those of color were pilloried by the government and their fellow citizens for questioning The State's actions. Demonstrators who opposed the corporate power grab in a world that ignored labor and social protections were described as commercial and economic terrorists.

The White House Press Secretary urged Americans to watch what they say and do in response to barbs by a television comedian. What would come next, the creation of an American Stasi? Just so. The State initiated the Citizen Corps, in which local residents were encouraged to form their own councils to, among other things, report suspicious activity and gather intelligence, thus cementing the people's support for The State.

The State acted swiftly to reprogram American culture. Artwork antithetical to officials in the Department of Justice was hidden from public view by an Attorney General who opposes the same cultural and social pastimes\ufffddance, drinking of alcohol, and viewing of sculptures\ufffdthat once subjected an Afghan to death by an edict of the Taliban.

Flag burning prohibitions were introduced into law. God, whose name was placed on US currency and inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance in the 1950s, became indistinguishable from The State. The State's sanctioned religion was literal biblical paternalism, militant in its own way. In this environment it was no surprise that women, once again, lost dominion over themselves and their wombs as the state proclaimed the unborn, born, and subject to The State.

Practitioners of The State argued that freedom was to be defined as the ability to wealth maximize. In this form of raw materialism, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness . . ."\ufffdthose transcendent concepts debated so heartily and openly by the authors of the US Constitution\ufffdbecame desiccated commodities.

The State melded God and Country and Business into one credo. With the Supreme Court firmly with The State\ufffdhaving sanctioned the accession to power of a president lacking a plurality in either the contested state of Florida or the United States\ufffdit, along with an Executive beholden to religious zealots, planned to strike down other laws, including a woman's right to choose, over the long term. But 911 appeared. The Federal courts saw their power to sanction government break ins of homes and offices, wiretap telephones and e-mail, and bug premises usurped by a law enforcement and intelligence establishment that instead of being forced to answer for their lack of knowledge about the events of 911, was showered with billions of dollars and new unsupervised powers.

Viewed within the acid bath of wealth maximization, 911 became an unexpected bonus for The State in its mission to build the fascist and theocratic underpinnings of its government. With a frightened Congress, receptive corporate media, and a largely uneducated and nervous public, The State brilliantly orchestrated the destruction of the open society.

Prior to 911, The State knew, with the exception of a pitiful few, that Congress could be bought. But it viewed the media and public as holdouts and feared rebellion on editorial pages and at the voting booth. But in the aftermath of 911, with the media now indistinguishable from the "war effort" and the public instructed to fly and buy for patriotism, The State achieved in a mere 15 months, the utter decimation of American democracy.

-I'd have a sig, but we Americans have to "watch what we say, watch what we do now."
New ho hum :)
change the names and dates you could be talking the USS Grant administration or change the dates again and call it the war between the states or the spanish american war. We'll get over it.
Not until we re-introduce a fair draft with no exemptions will we get a careful foreign policy. When Mom and Pop Americans start getting the kids home in a body bag, kids that really didnt want to go, then foreign policy will change. :( with 4 kids 3 boys I will have to steer them to uncle sams misguided children if comes to that. At least they get infantry training.
"I'm selling a hammer," he says. "They can beat nails with it, or their dog."
Richard Eaton spy software innovator
New Interesting notion that.
>> Not until we re-introduce a fair draft with no exemptions will we get a
>> careful foreign policy.

"Re-introduce"? When, exactly did we have a "fair draft"?
New ww2,korea,<62,63?
not ed zachery fair but not as slopped out as >66
"I'm selling a hammer," he says. "They can beat nails with it, or their dog."
Richard Eaton spy software innovator
New w/you qualification, I'll buy that ;-)
New w/your qualification, I'll buy that ;-)
New LMFAO... You trolling for something.
That's the best summary you've ever read? Why don't you read frigging Animal Farm or a comic book. This article is so full of shit it's amazing that it could have even found it's way into print... Is it a joke? It has humor...

"... However, other Enron-like collapses began being reported with similar disastrous consequences for pensioners and workers. Indeed, a long train of abuses and usurpations took place at a frightening pace in that short 15-month period."

15 month period. HOOOOOHAAAAAAAAAHOOHAAA!!! Yeap, okay dokay...

"This new fascist era was designed and implemented primarily by Republican organizations and individuals who funded, supported and ultimately inserted George Bush II in office. Equally complicit in this atrocity was the Democratic Party, itself having become corrupt and beholden to its own interests. But the greatest tragedy in this horrific turn of events was that the public and media embraced fascism's coming. It should be noted that the Green Party's valiant efforts were too little, too late."


" U.S. laws prohibiting such influence peddling, like the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, were overlooked. This hypocrisy and the overarching influence of oil over The State's foreign policy is described in a new book by ex-CIA agent Robert Baer, a veteran covert operator in the Islamic world. He states that he found "that the tentacles of big oil stretch from the Caspian Sea to the White House."

I suppose this happened in 15 months too? HOOOOHAAAAAHOOHAA...

" On the domestic front, clear distinctions between the government and the corporation, and the government and the military evaporated. Government propagandists, formerly corporate propagandists, proclaimed that The State would be an easy brand to sell to the people."


You know, it's really ashame that these guys chose such a "style" to write this piece of fluff garbage, 'cause there is some serious meat intertwined with the "fat" that makes up most of the dish.

Are there no more journalism schools left?

Just a few thoughts,


"I'll tip my hat to the new constitution, take a bow for the new revolution, smile and grin at the change all around, pick up my guitar and play, just like yesterday..."

P. Townshend

"Nietzsche has an S in it"
Celina Jones
New Reading for Content 101.
Your missive tries (wrongly) to suggest that the authors said that all this happened in 15 months. Check out the first sentence of the third paragraph:

"Three events accelerated the demise of American Democracy."

Note they did NOT say:

"Three events began the demise of American Democracy."

Now, I always admit when I'm wrong, so I'll have to admit that my choice of the phrase "Best Summary" is a little misleading. I should have said that it was "The Most Accurate Assessment of the Body Politic in the United States" that I've read in quite some time.
Expand Edited by mmoffitt Feb. 20, 2002, 11:43:54 AM EST
New You did get my point though...
I would have liked the article a little more if there had been less of a "chicken little" tone to it. The frigging sky is falling, but it has been for quite some time. I get the feeling these guys are suffering from the simplistic notion that "if we scare the shit out of people by publishing a bunch of sensationalistic half-truths, maybe we can get a Democrat back in office and the world will be right again"... Which is total bullshit as well.

As far as the best assessment, that is quite a subjective measure and you are most certainly entitled to an opinion :-)

I'm just feeling a bit "froggy" lately. Whenever I read articles that are meant merely to inflame, it makes me a little angry that this is what it's come down to... If I were a conservative, I wouldn't have read past the first sentence, which is a shame, because a lot of the article is thought provoking and an interesting take on what's happening now. Conservatives need to be in the conversation now, just as always.

You can draw just as many flies with honey as with shit.
Just a few thoughts,


"I'll tip my hat to the new constitution, take a bow for the new revolution, smile and grin at the change all around, pick up my guitar and play, just like yesterday..."

P. Townshend

"Nietzsche has an S in it"
Celina Jones
New I don't read them that way.
Your atributing them with implying "maybe we can get a Democrat back in office and the world will be right again" I think is a little disingenuous. What they wrote was "Equally complicit in this atrocity was the Democratic Party".

I don't see this as trolling. I posted it because as I read it I kept thinking, "At last, somebody has gotten something published that I've been thinking for the past 30 years."

No, I'd say this writing wasn't meant to inflame. I read it more as a lament.
New Fair... Critics voice, take your choice...
I was criticizing the authors' choice of words in many of the examples I used. You are correct, I am taking some liberties and being disingenuous - putting words in the author's mouths. Not very good form on my part in that I am accusing the authors of playing fast and loose with language! I'm guilty.

I still feel this piece is quite biased but didn't mean to create a major ruckus about it.
Just a few thoughts,


"I'll tip my hat to the new constitution, take a bow for the new revolution, smile and grin at the change all around, pick up my guitar and play, just like yesterday..."

P. Townshend

"Nietzsche has an S in it"
Celina Jones
New Read as allegory - it's got legs.
Captures the 'spirit' of the decline of self-government, even if it takes liberties and exaggerates a few points. After all, 'causality' is such a fav idea - even though it can rarely be discerned in applications involving people! - we naturally try to find a specific pigeon. Natch.

Obviously the "15 months" is just poetic license. D'Oh Screamer ;-) I can ignore the hyperbole - and still see a story.. too sad and too close to the events to dismiss via nitpicking details.

The gap between the 3% super-rich and us all - widens every day. This admin is in it for the further widening, in every thought and deed. Cardinal Ashcroft will pontificate at the burning of heretics. The spirit of Prescott Bush, Renegade - Lives! as Murica puts a Price on absolutely Everything.

As Stuart Chase spins in his grave / The Tyranny of Words / is the means by which this coup expands in a sea of noise and slogans - smoke and mirrors, Infotainment 24/7. (In between commercial messages and Olympic$ Ceremonie$ Circuse$)

Blessed are those who expect nothing, for -

PS - Anyone wanna fly somewhere? - for a pleasure trip!? Hah! Never again. It's Over - along with a lot we haven't realized yet as being.. Over :(
     Perhaps the Best Summary I've ever read. - (mmoffitt) - (11)
         ho hum :) - (boxley) - (4)
             Interesting notion that. - (mmoffitt) - (3)
                 ww2,korea,<62,63? - (boxley) - (2)
                     w/you qualification, I'll buy that ;-) -NT - (mmoffitt)
                     w/your qualification, I'll buy that ;-) -NT - (mmoffitt)
         LMFAO... You trolling for something. - (screamer) - (4)
             Reading for Content 101. - (mmoffitt) - (3)
                 You did get my point though... - (screamer) - (2)
                     I don't read them that way. - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                         Fair... Critics voice, take your choice... - (screamer)
         Read as allegory - it's got legs. - (Ashton)

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