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New What that means is they were getting pounded.
Yes, it's time for the number of CRT monitor companies to decrease, starting with those that can't squeeze out a profit.

As for tube makers, that isn't likely to decrease much for some time, there's only just a few of them supplying all the monitor makers.
New Yes, but Hitachi has quit making tubes, too
so the number has decreased already.

     Hitachi to stop making tubes. <snif!> - (Another Scott) - (4)
         What that means is they were getting pounded. - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
             Yes, but Hitachi has quit making tubes, too - (tonytib)
         Oh, *monitors*! I thought you meant... - (CRConrad) - (1)
             *grin* That was funny! - (static)

She can do the Kessel run in under 2 parsecs!
36 ms