Methinks we've gotten beyond "high crimes and misdemeanors"
to Treason.
I think we just ought to wait...apply pressure, but simply wait it out. Then, once the slime has been removed from those once-hallowed offices and something resembling sanity (and a newly independent Judiciary) has been restored, we then criminally indict Rove, Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, Chertoff, Rice, Wolfowitz, Perle and the minor players (more or less in that order). Prosecute them to the fullest extent of what was once law, and physically put them in Slam.
Then, the country can heave a collective sigh of relief, roll up its sleves, and get on with repairing the damage.
"It's hard for me, you know, living in this beautiful White House, to give you a firsthand assessment."
— George W. Bush, when asked if he believed Iraq was in a state of civil war (Newsweek, 26 Feb 07)
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Aug. 3, 2007, 09:54:44 PM EDT