Hmmmmm -
1) Find the very-most-Likely monopolist for rilly-Keen Li-Ion battery production and er, Invest.
Luck figuring out which present contenders shall succumb to terminal greed at a next techno decision-point, eh? (Like.. say, relying on Chinese/Microsoft-grade QC to stamp out thousands of small bombs, kill another major river -- but rilly Cheap. (On that first order, before the sub-contractor is hanged.))
2) F=MA is all ye know and all ye Need to know.
(After you find the closest rubberish-formula to emulate a rack-and-pinion connection to the surface.) Already.. F=\ufffdN as the classical 'Normal' force in all those physics tests re 'friction' -- is long gone; that model never gets ya past One measley G!)
3) I want.. I Want:
A light-material casting of a Vincent Black Shadow/Lightning engine (which is also part of the chassis) chock-full o'them cute lil LiIons, the gearbox guts replaced with a motor, cooled like a flash-boiler with water mist -- to keep it together for the requisite 1320' + just-enough to decel to 0.
Think of the FUN to show up on a 55 yo Classic indistinguishable from normal, and whup some ass? And Yeahhhh.. nice stealth recording of V-twin sounds would be funner yet - if there's room, after all those batteries..?
('Course, on tire-size alone, however clever the rubber mix -- it couldn't fly with the Big Stuff. Still - - - -)
Now THAT's what some of these folk with more $$ stashed than they could spend in a century at WalMart O' the World via 24/7 cel-fone orders -- Could do for infotainment.
If any of these $obsessed-MBAslugs had the imagination of a 5 yo.
But nope: all. they. Know. is boring-more --> More --> MOST, secreted away in those digital account tallies. Can't even wallow in chests of gold coins on the weekends, anymore!