Ramen is up to $0.29 a package, from $0.14.
Cheap "generic" Mac and Cheese is up $0.20 from $0.29 to $0.49.
Pasta is climbing per pound, even though its mostly wheat based.
Bread is climbing.
Milk is just starting its meteoric climb, over $4/gal for whole milk.
83/27 ground Beef is more than $14 for a 5 pound package when it has been ~ $10 for the past 5 or so years.
Restaurant prices around here have gone up, a typical item that was at $7.99 is now $8.79. A $15.99 item is now $17.49. They were stable for a LONG time due to stable food pricing. Gordon Food Service and SYSCO have announced stiff increases in delivery costs, as well as recent steady increases as they see them on the supply end from their vendors.
A lot of collateral damage. Similar circumstance as in gasoline sky-rocketing dragging Natural Gas(NG) along with it... mainly because the NG companies can charge more and point to Big Oil. This is just one of many that are jumping on the band wagon.
Though the $1 menu at Mickey D's still has the same stuff, the wife noticed when she took the daycare kids there, the buns are smaller, the amount of fries are less, the patty probably was smaller, the biggest change was the soda fountain being "out of order", meaning you had to ask for refills. There are quite a few McDs that have "out of order" self-service fountains.
I'd also note that quite a few places I have gone to lately have the AC at something like 77F vs lower like 70-72F. There are many changes happening.
Just wait, more things are going to have to happen before the sheeple of the US finally revolt. They are going to have to REALLY HURT for a LONG TIME to change.
Oil, Food, Energy, Health Care Insurance, Religious persecution(err preferred/state approved only allowed != muslim), Jobs, Housing, Taxes. Other things will just pile-on soon. When the burden starts to really hurt... the middle class (or the sheeple) will things change... then only a kneejerk reaction will happen and no long term plan will be put in place.