Re: No homeopathic remedy has ever passed a double-blind tes
Ah, another impromptu flight on the Fanciful Musings on Immortality dirigible :-0
Andrew has expressed the dilemma with his characteristic clarity, pretty much freed of Popular opinions and their circular 'proofs' - ever in search of that elusive Certainty thing. Can add only a couple anecdotal ingredients to the consomm\ufffd:
(Is AMA allopathy <VS> All Other approaches ..a dish which should be eaten cold, too?)
Note that Samuel Hahnemann (also Moshe Feldenkrais / his 'method' for dealing with body, skeletal problems) -- were both physicists. They really did appreciate the usual numbers and how to lie/not-lie with stats -- as they also witnessed the oft absurd pronouncements (and results) of the 'advice' of the later-on, much more numerous allopathic religious=exclusive practitioners. Guess what: they did Experiments! to test their theories. Imagine that. Hahnemann's lore is largely an encyclop\ufffddic compilation of very-many Boolean choices: amidst numerous "observable symptoms" and even personal habits of the patient. He could not 'force it simpler'. Apparently.
As Andrew also points towards - a history of US medicine will reveal that the formation of the 'AMA' was largely about [std Machiavelian approach; offerings to Moloch, pre-spreadsheet] -- doing all things possible, however scurrilous -call 'em All 'quacks'- to achieve monopoly.
Currently, AMA retains that Windows-status, but we are seeing that mind-lock losing ground here, not only because of the absurd costs for the most trivial of 'procedures'. Many more %MDs are eschewing membership in their State AMA orgs -- retaining only the necessaries as permit them to practice at all, obtain painkillers, etc.
I too do physics, remain Skeptical of most things -- the more earnest an emotional Pitch-for: the less I accord Brownie points for trying. I've tried some homeo; experienced a negative-proof! too. That is, later on, when I indulged in a substance known to ~neutralize that remedy: almost instantly 'felt' unfamiliar/inexpressible 'things going on' within -- not extreme but Evident. (There was no such 'clue' upon imbibing the original Remedy.)
Anecdotal too:
A pair of cats with diagnosed FIV, given "months.." to survive by your Standard-allopathic Vet. Recommended treatment: extinguish and flush. (We do a lot of that here, when the cute-puppy needs replacement with a new one to keep little Kevin amused for a few weeks.)
A couple so-called 'Remedies' employed and a diet of particularly junk-free food, over the past ~12 years ... suggested to the also traditionally-Skeptical 'kitty staff' person: hmmmm - anything Tuit?
'Course one of this pair, whom I've nicked Scaredy Cat is weird on several levels. But she had been abused as a kitten.
(Imagine.. "abusing a kitten", eh. What must that reveal.)
And no, Peter - this constitutes neither proof nor Proof - nor can it sustain Disproof (in its various stages of personal-Belief.) It [the story] just IS, unless you want to consider my drain bramaged: I've witnessed most of this history. I say..
Guess the Euros are even dopier than the denizens of Bushland, judging by the large presence of alt. approches to health maintenance on the Continent - including Homeo. (But then, whoever believes that popularity connotes efficacy - well..)
Oh, BTW, deranged-one:
DCs, Osteopaths are Not synonyms for 'homeopathic tendencies' -- merely are these another 'Alternative' approach to maintaining health. That is an important distinction IMO: The AMA is dedicated to treating symptoms of what they call 'diseases' - small potatoes (time OR money) is spent on the Idea of "maintaining robust Health".
Note finally that, claimed 'cure rates' for various maladies: are oft tied to a "5 year survival" metric, with little clarification of the kind of liff experience, as the dying is somewhat put-off. (Personally I'd prefer death to some of these as produce a medical-Guantanamo-liff - thankyouverymuch.)
Nothing IS simple about any of this stuff. Engage in a battle of (imagined) Opposites - at your own peril. I prefer to observe, acknowledge the [still] massive ignorance of the species on most aspects of body survival: and place my bets, right-->at any time of need. I can't think of a single person to whom I could mindlessly delegate such a decision. YMMV.
Medicine chest: aspirin. Band-Aids\ufffd. Ethyl-, Iso- alcohol. Tinct. Iodine. Floss.
And occasional samples of those Fun sought-after pills, (leftovers not wasted by someone - on mere pain suppression.) Drugstores would starve if ...