A corporation is no more good or evil than the people that run it.Since a corporation doesn't really exist, how could it more evil than the people in it?
BUT! A corporation allows the small amounts of "evil" to be consolidated in large amouts of "evil" (or "good" for that matter).
So, you moron, there really is no difference to me between the statement of >Ben< of Ben&Jerry's...and Ben&Jerry's.I understand that. And that is where YOU are WRONG. But, as always, you have a problem admitting that.
Allow me to illustrate this more fully.
Did B&J give money to free him?
Did B&J provide any support for his cause?
Did B&J do ANYTHING AT ALL to IN ANY WAY help this guy?
So, no matter what Ben Cohen did AS A PRIVATE CITIZEN, B&J did nothing.
And that is where your binary logic breaks down.
Ben Cohen did something.
Therefore, B&J has those ethics.
But there is no tangible proof OF ANY SORT that B&J, in ANY WAY supports that cause.
But that doesn't matter to YOU.
Because Ben is the "B" in "B&J", that means that "B&J" as the same ethics as Ben.
And this makes sense to you.
I don't support the actions of a company founder. Thus, I don't support the company. Very simple POV.Yep. Very simple. Very binary. Just as I've been saying.
Sorry you don't understand.And I keep telling you that I do understand. You're operating in binary mode, again. It's very simple to see.
But you can't accept that you were incorrect about B&J contributing money to that cause.
That's your problem, Bill. One of many.
As for those other statements that I can't answer for........................
Do you know what the "fishing" is? How about "fly fishing"?
The "fly" is NOT a real fly. It is NOT something that is good for the fish.
It is a "lure". It is "fake". It is used to "hook" the fish.
Those posts were "lures" and you were the "fish".
I don't have to answer to the fish because I'm using a "fly" that isn't as yummy in reality as it looked before you swallowed it. I just hook the fish and cook it.
You've been lured, hooked, filleted and cooked.