Did you not read my last posts?
Did you not SEE where I said that the posts you quoted we intended to manipulate Bill?
Yet you think they have some value other than that?
Let me clarify this for you. They don't.
Did you miss that?
Let me say it again. They don't have any value OTHER than manipulating Bill.
I posted them to manipulate Bill into admitting he was WRONG on his INITIAL statement.
Where in there does it say anything about the company not being responsible for the actions of what of its officers.Hello? *knock* *knock*! Any one home, Drew?
Tell you what. Let me quote MYSELF to you:
I was giving you a trail to follow BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS WEASEL ABOUT WHAT YOU'VE SAID.There. Do you remember that? I know it might be hard for you. It was so long ago (in the post you replied to).
Now, do you want to know WHY I did that? I don't think you do, but I'll tell you anyway.
Look at that exchange. See how I directly quoted Bill's words back to him showing the contradiction in plain english and he still denied it.
So, LIKE I SAID BEFORE, (you do understand what "comprehension" is, don't you), I was giving Bill the tangent he wanted that was obviously WRONG(do I have to state that AGAIN? You CAN read, right?) so he could, comfortably, admit that he was wrong.
That's ALL that those postings were.
Can I make this any PLAINER to you?
Well, I know I can't. I remember that you're also one who likes to get lost in tangents instead of addressing the original statement.
So sad for you. But you have Bill for company.
Allow me to summarize the discussion.
I said that B&J are an example of how a company can be operated with ethics.
Bill said that B&J's "ethics" allowed them to contribute money to free a cop killer.
Now, let's look at Bill's past with regards to obviously incorrect statements he makes:
So, I feed Bill a line I know (from past experience) he'll fall for.
The exchange goes until I have him hooked.
Then I point out that his original statement was incorrect.
He admits it (A FUCKING FIRST!!!!!!) but wants to pursue the incorrect statements I made.
Deal with it.
You don't like to see Bill manipulated into admitting he's wrong.
That's very commendable of you.