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New Will be hard on ID also
The majority of people that push Intelligent Design are going to recoil when it is suggested as something that supports Islam. It might have some small benefit in weakening the ID movement.

New ?
The majority of people that push Intelligent Design are going to recoil when it is suggested as something that supports Islam.

Okay, admittedly I am outside of this lunacy. But don't the individual members of the tri-fecta of idiocy (Xian-Zionist-Islamist) realize that they all are but variations on the same mythology?

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New reason to hate more
Okay, admittedly I am outside of this lunacy. But don't the individual members of the tri-fecta of idiocy (Xian-Zionist-Islamist) realize that they all are but variations on the same mythology?

Mostly yes, but the fanatics just consider that a reason to fight harder.

Pagans are just ignorant after all, once they are shown the truth they are sure to embrace it. But a heretic knows better, he has to realize his God is false and joining the side of darkness because he is, at the core, evil.

     Islamist's take on Evolution. - (Another Scott) - (3)
         Will be hard on ID also - (JayMehaffey) - (2)
             ? - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                 reason to hate more - (JayMehaffey)

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