Among military members and their immediate families who responded to a national New York Times/CBS News poll in May, two-thirds said things were going badly, compared with just over half, about 53 percent, a year ago. Fewer than half of the families and military members said the United States did the right thing in invading Iraq. A year ago more than half held that view, according to the a similar poll taken last July. The May poll had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 7 percentage points.
For the first time a real majority of troops and immediate family say the war is going badly. The pain suffered by the troops serving in Iraq and the suffering of families from repeated deployment is wearing them down.
On a practical level this is bad for the US military. As the troops become discourages their effectiveness drops and corruption and violence will go up. Considering how bad things are now in Iraq, this is the last thing the military needs.
Politically this is a big problem for Republicans, who have long counted on the rank and file military.