(She, the 'companion' in '05 Series)
Currently making PBS rounds:
The Ruby in the Smoke - period drama / mystery featuring greed and.. a rilly-Horrible old woman antagonist. Seems possible that Billie shall become a durable actor/ress.. She is the major protagonist, throughout.
Say there, Whovians:
now that the Doctor-life-span appears to be One Season [not sure I Like that] -- is Billie featured with the retransmogrified Cap'n Jack, in the MMVI Series?
Unclear if KTEH-54 will continue - but they'd Better, if they want my pittance..
Is everyone else (in US) seeing only DVDs these days, when in search of a Doctor-fix?
Clearly, only 54 (in Silly Valley) pays attention, within the larger Bay Area == a large market. Given how much Pure Crap is out there in the vanishing On-Air shtick, many lightweights folding after a few tries: I'm a bit surprised that this is the case. There's enough subtlety overlapping modern idiocies (too) in the new Series -- to bring in new addicts, IMO. (If IQs were higher in the broadcast planning biz.)