There's truth in these theories, and a lot of holes too.
New data that has to be worked with is the result of DNA testing for birth defects during pregnancy. On average in 10% of any lot of tests and as high as 15% it's found the husband or other designated father (the one expected to pay the bills for 20 years) is not the genetic father. Right now the genetic testers are only revealing this information to the mothers.
Other evidence has been coming from study of beetles. In one species the females always select as mates the largest males with well developed horns and a fierce disposition. So geneticists wondered, "with such selectivity why does the species still still contain many smaller males with less developed horns - you'd think they would have been bred out?".
Further study has shown that while the big guy is upstairs fiercely defending his digs, the little guys are digging side tunnels into his burrow and screwing with his wife.
So as I have assured Lily many times, women are still choosing men by pre-cave era instincts, often with unsatisfactory results, but there are many mitigating factors going on which is why men haven't been bred to be a lot worse than they actually are.
All this and much more makes life difficult for the cut-and-dried theories of the social geneticists.
There's truth in these theories, and a lot of holes too.
New data that has to be worked with is the result of DNA testing for birth defects during pregnancy. On average in 10% of any lot of tests and as high as 15% it's found the husband or other designated father (the one expected to pay the bills for 20 years) is not the genetic father. Right now the genetic testers are only revealing this information to the mothers.
Other evidence has been coming from study of beetles. In one species the females always select as mates the largest males with well developed horns and a fierce disposition. So geneticists wondered, "with such selectivity why does the species still still contain many smaller males with less developed horns - you'd think they would have been bred out?".
Further study has shown that while the big guy is upstairs fiercely defending his digs, the little guys are digging side tunnels into his burrow and screwing with his wife.
So as I have assured Lily many times, women are still choosing men by pre-cave era instincts, but there are many mitigating factors going on which is why men haven't been bred to be a lot worse than they actually are.
All this and much more makes life difficult for the cut-and-dried theories of the social geneticists.