Stripped of the inevitable tangential mutterings we *all* love to embroider with + the luxury of 20/20 assessment (the only magical 'causality' we ever see == always looking *back* and then seeing / saying.. D'Oh!) It does resolve to just as simple as - your remarks. IMhO too.

Still.. given that the yet unFaced -->| National angst over the entire tissue of lies and self-deception and jingoism as led us into adolescent spasm-war in Vietnam / the dehumanizing of that population into

A) Commyunists! (and Not Aryan) ergo Not-human
B) Not-human ergo: *$^($#$ Gooks, Slopes, ___
C) So it's OK to bomb those vermin back to the stone-age...
D) And.. We Did. *We*. Period.

We must remain vigilant for the recurrence of that level of frustration (with getting Our Way) which can lead the US into a replay of using all our demonic weapons; see A) thru D).

And fucking well make sure there ISN'T a replay tantrum <---

who could list 50 massive vulnerabilities of our self-indulgent comfort-besotted kultur - easily attacked, Next. And I'm not even that smart.