[link|http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/02/AR2007070200228.html|Washington Post]
Authorities have eased the virtual house arrest imposed on A.Q. Khan, the disgraced scientist who sold Pakistan's nuclear secrets to Iran, North Korea and Libya, officials said Monday.

President Gen. Pervez Musharraf pardoned him while confining him to his tightly guarded villa in the capital, Islamabad. He has been permitted few visitors.

However, two senior government officials told the AP that the restrictions were eased several months ago and that Khan could now meet friends and relatives either at his home or elsewhere in Pakistan.

This matches up with the rumor that Khan's nuclear trade network has been started up again. Khan took the blame when it couldn't be covered any more, but the network always required the support of the government.

What I want to know is why Pakistan would be doing that now. Could relations between the White House as Musharraf be getting really bad, or are they trying to setup Iran for a sting operating?
