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New Living cheap in the USA
I got it somewhat figured out. Personal storage companies charge like $30 to $40 a month for a small space that is climate controlled. A person can live in these spaces (a collections company once used these as offices with a phone, electric, and cable TV lines coming in for an extra fee) to avoid being forced to live outdoors or under a bridge. Just get a membership in the YMCA for the showers, baths, and other stuff. Use public restrooms or get a jar, bedpan, etc to empty out. If you can get electric, get a small refridgerator to cool food, and a small hotplate to heat food up. Cheaper than an apartment, and at least you are not homeless. That is if the renting company allows you to live in one of their cubes. Use a laundramat to wash your clothes. Get an air mattress or cott to sleep on.

Will it work?

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
New Illegal, but whose to know?
Better yet is a old van, find a place to park, use a gas stove for cooking and heat, make sure you leave the windows open so you dont die from the combustion and use a shower at the Y or any other place with a pool. Alternatively come to FL work as a contractor making $50/65 per hr live in motel 6 and go home every other weekend. Most of the jobs here are VB related, I am even considering a foxpro gig although I dont like programming, would rather play puzzle.
Mike Doogan
"Then there's figure skating and ice dancing and snowboarding. The winners are all chosen by judges. That's not sports. That's politics. And curling? If curling is a sport, pork rinds are a health food."
New If I can get over my fear of highways
and long distance driving, I may just go down to Florida, and come back home on weekends if the drive does not take too long. I remember last time we drove to Florida on vacation to Orlando, it took like three or four days due to traffic. They had a big forrest fire as well, so they closed off roads. What happens if they have another forrest fire and I am a day or two late for work coming back?

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
New That would result in your doom.
First they will ridicule you in front of your peers.
Then break your ID card and rip off the good conduct badge.
Then escort you out of the building.

Also, if you drive - you could be killed. And even if not - the fear that you might - could kill you.

Best not to take the chance - any of them. Suicide could avert your risk / fear of being killed.

Logic is not always your friend, is it?

Ashton as in
New Ride the hound or drive down once
leave the car here and fly crash air. Or just ride the hound, if you were working in Tampa the bus system is great. If working on the West Palm side, get jobs east of 95 where the bus service is good.
"I'm selling a hammer," he says. "They can beat nails with it, or their dog."
Richard Eaton spy software innovator
New I might try that sometime
if my wife doesn't get upset that I am gone that long, and I am able to get off of the current job or for some reason I lose the current job?

I'll have to check Greyhound tickets, and then find a hotel near the employer. Thanks.

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
New Around $239 round trip on the big white dog.
As each way takes around a day or more, I don't imagine it would do your back very much good...

For the same money, or even less, you could fly from STL to TPA. Or STL to MRY or SFO, ONT or SAN, SEA, ATL, HOU or AUS, or even JFK or DCA. Just about every major city I checked in the US has air fares from STL for less than $200 round trip. The airlines are still hurting and have pretty good fares now. A flight to Rapid City, SD is a bit more ($257). It's beautiful in the Black Hills <sigh>....

Why spend that much money for a bus or plane ride to Tampa for a chance at a job when the same amount or less will give you many more options? Boxley's a great, caring guy. But Tampa isn't the only place in this great big country that is looking for good people.

You've got to figure out what you want to do, Norm, and do the work necessary to get there.

You want to stay in STL. Well, you've always wanted to work for the IRS, haven't you? [link|http://jsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/summary.asp?OPMControl=VX1139|Computer Specialist]. Seriously, as I've said before, Federal jobs aren't perfect but they aren't something to be dismissed out of hand either. Check out [link|http://www.usajobs.opm.gov/a14.htm|[link|http://www.usajobs.opm.gov/a14.htm|http://www.usajobs.opm.gov/a14.htm]] and do some searching around. Don't be put off by descriptions of locations being "Throughout the Nation". A $31K federal job beats an $18K help desk job, doesn't it? (And if you seriously think it doesn't, then I'd have to accuse you of chopping off your nose to spite your face.)

Before you spend the money to visit Boxley, you might want invest the money instead on a little trip with your wife and child. San Diego's very nice - it's supposed to be in the low-mid-70's tomorrow (CRC - that's Fahrenheit degrees. It's around 296 Kelvins. :-)

My advice may only be worth what it cost you...

New I see, very good!
Make it a vacation with the wife and kid, and then go job searching while on vacation. I love it!

I applied for that job and another one. I'll see what they say when they reply back. Wish me luck! Thanks!

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
New Don't have a fear, just don't like driving that long
I hear tales of "Spring Break" kids who drive down I-75 from Michigan to Florida and whew I don't know I could take that even as a passenger. I would hate to *drive* that. Shoot, I dislike driving 280 miles to see my parents a couple of times a year.
Where each demon is slain, more hate is raised, yet hate unchecked also multiplies. - L. E. Modesitt, from his Recluse series
New Supposedly that used to happen in the Bay Area...
until the storage companies got smart and removed all the outlets!

At least, that's what a co-woker, a Bay Area native, claims.

I'd believe it; we've got people living in motor homes, permanently, although probably fewer now (rents in Santa Clara county are down 20% from the high, which means rent is still really, really high).

New SnowCrash
...by Neil Stephenson has a similar premise.

Frankly, I'd go the van/minivan route. This was actually somewhat prevalent in the Bay Area among tech workers in the past few years, and isn't utterly uncommon in any event.
Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]
What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?
New Living in a van, down by the river!
I keep remembering that Chris Farley skit about the man who lived in a van down by the river being a motivational speaker. He kept adjusting his belt and pants, and spoke sporatically.

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
New I slept in my pickup truck for a week this summer
But the ammenities (including an undisturbed spot) were provided by one of the heroes of the woodcarving community as part of an event he put on.
"You don't have to be right - just use bolded upper case" - annon.
     Living cheap in the USA - (nking) - (12)
         Illegal, but whose to know? - (boxley) - (7)
             If I can get over my fear of highways - (nking) - (6)
                 That would result in your doom. - (Ashton)
                 Ride the hound or drive down once - (boxley) - (3)
                     I might try that sometime - (nking) - (2)
                         Around $239 round trip on the big white dog. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                             I see, very good! - (nking)
                 Don't have a fear, just don't like driving that long - (wharris2)
         Supposedly that used to happen in the Bay Area... - (tonytib)
         SnowCrash - (kmself) - (2)
             Living in a van, down by the river! - (nking) - (1)
                 I slept in my pickup truck for a week this summer - (mhuber)

It's Microsoft clearly boiling the frogs...
61 ms