to self-respect. I was working a $10/hr job earlier last year.. During my exclusive job-search (no other work), I was starting to think crazy thoughts about me being employable at all. I suspect that attitude, and the depression from being unemployed (as well as my other troubles) was leaking into what interviews I was getting...
You say that you can't search for a job while working your current job? I think I'm going to have to call you on that, Norm. If you are willing to sacrifice the job, to give it up, then the you should also be willing to put the job in jeopardy by searching while working there.
I know that that feels like 'bad faith' with your employer. You are not intending to make a career out of help-desk work at this company, you are using it as a stepping stone to better things anyway... Just think of it as 'stepping lively'. Believe me, prospective employers will sympathize with your leaving the helpdesk job - and they won't hold trying to better your way out of a $9/hr job against you.