Norman, sometimes I'm not sure if you're a sage - but the above is assuredly a truthful observation. 'Lies' R Us. Now: worldwide.
And as to "the need for a modern economy" - supposedly a mere rhetorical question? There's the pain & suffering of millions of Muricans - as they accept, cannot evade the yoke of 24/7 mercantile time ownership. They see their children left unattended during formative years -- see 'health' reduced to "your money or your life", while eating really shitty 'fast' food: having lost the capacity to afford the pleasure of "dining" (out OR at home). Note the irony of taking extra jobs so as to be able to buy lots of cute toys.. then have zero time to use these toys, or to live IN that $350K house - driving that $35K car which sits in the Co. parking lot most days. Stir well and bake.
And notice that other countries set quite different priorities = also TAX priorities - to achieve one hell of a lot more humane a safety net. Even recognize that children need attention and people Need vacations! Maybe we are the Individualist Welfare State - a suitably schizophrenic religion for the US (?) - capable of accomplishing *neither aim* with any class..
Still and all.. what we got here? is beside any point. You gotta try to erase that familiar tape that plays in your head ~ life is a bucket of shit. Probably if you could erase that - you'd begin to experience calmness, and without the Pharm-Chem product du jour. From that point you could carefully assess some different ideas about earning $. Daily despising of your ex- lawyer-scum is unrewarding -- there are too many for you to give them equal-time negativity: And that wasted energy COSTS you <<<
You cannot have considered all new possibilities, as change daily: they are infinite. You are just looking through that habitual tunnel = a constant state of living in emergency mode. It's a loop, dontcha know?
Jump Indirect to Self.
Find some way to stifle that mind chatter. If you cannot achieve some peaceful state next - you will stay in this death-loop. (There are people quite familiar with Murican daily mind chatter, who can help you see it for what it is. Go find one.)