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New What a crock
If every third world country hates us, why do we have immigration restrictions? Seems to me if they hated us so much they wouldn't be wanting to come here.

U.S. Corps pay local wages. Comparing our wages to third world wages is comparing apples and oranges. Spain had a wonderful time in the 15-1600s stealing gold from the Americas because they thought it would make them rich. Instead it created a hyperinflation that they never really recovered from. Flooding a third world country with money will do a similar job on their local economy. Now if you want to give them hospitals and such, that is a different story. Of course that is expensive and you'll be wanting to pay for it somehow. Better hope Americans enjoy working a lot and making a lot of money because they will cost a lot.

What has happened to humanity that has f*cked us up so much that we no longer care about anyone but ourselves?

What jaundiced hovel are you living in?

There is no need to blow up anything, or attack anything, just change the way you do things so that others don't suffer.

I see, if we are simply nice to everyone, they will surely be nice to us. It's human nature isn't it? Now please explain Hilter how us being nice to him would have prevented all the destruction he caused. One could argue, and I would, if the U.S. or Britain was particularly nasty to him early on, we would have only had Japan in WWII.

Only buy from small businesses, grow your own food in a garden, buy stuff from garage sales and fle markets, learn to make stuff yourself.

And this from someone who signs "Will code Visual BASIC for cash."

Tell me, how long will it take you build your computer? And others will be building their own also right? Maybe you have Chip-O-Fab, a build your own chip factory in a box.

Modern economies are not easy things to have, but your silly prescriptions are not going to build a modern economy, you instead want a pre-renaissance ecomony. Good for you...now about that high-tech health care you'll be wanting if you get cancer...will you be paying that by check?

Gerard Allwein
New We live in a world filled with lies
They want to migrate here because we have more money available that they can make here than in their country. It is sort of like Microsoft, you hate them, but you want to run the latest Windows software, applications, games, etc so you buy a copy of Windows.

What jaundiced hovel are you living in?

One I am about to lose because I lost my job and cannot find a decent job to work at because the economy is so screwed up right now that hardly anyone is hiring. Nobody is helping me pay my bills, I am sick and nobody is helping me to get well, plus I have seen many others in the same situation. I admit there are those that are worse off than me, but I hardly see anyone else helping them. When I worked, I was one of just a few that would give a homeless person $1 to $20 in change or spare bills so they could get a meal, or buy some new clothes, or whatever they needed to do. Everyone else treated them like dirt, ignored them, or just walked by and flipped them off. That is our society, "I got mine, screw everyone else!" mentallity.

I see, if we are simply nice to everyone, they will surely be nice to us. It's human nature isn't it? Now please explain Hilter how us being nice to him would have prevented all the destruction he caused. One could argue, and I would, if the U.S. or Britain was particularly nasty to him early on, we would have only had Japan in WWII.

Perhaps you forgot that we stayed out of the war until 1941? Remember Perl Harbor? Should we have attacked the Axis Powers after they invaded France? It seems to be standard US policy to just ignore it until it gets out of hand. Be the Fire fighter and not the Fire preventor. There was a problem after WWI, in which Germany and other countries were given a heavy finacial burden. Conditions became so bad, that people were willing to believe a madman like Hitler who claimed he could make it better. I believe myself that violence should only be a last resort and used when there is no other alternative. But in the case of another Hitler, if we have proof that there is another person just like Hitler out there, then maybe we may have to strike first. But we better have all of our facts, and know that nothing else, besides a military strike, will do any good. What am I talking about? All we do is fly airplanes and jets there to do bombing raids while our troops camp out in tents and drink coffee and other stuff. Just clusterbomb them, and all the other areas around the terrorist/enemy camps. Heck, why not just nuke them, so much easier? No need to put any troops there. Just use stealth technology on our missiles and then say they were building a nuclear bomb, and it must have went off by mistake?

Tell me, how long will it take you build your computer? And others will be building their own also right? Maybe you have Chip-O-Fab, a build your own chip factory in a box.

I bouilt my own PC system from parts that I bought from a small company. It would be cool if I could have my own chip factory here in the US. Sort of a Willy Wonka meets Star Trek kind of thing?

Modern economies are not easy things to have, but your silly prescriptions are not going to build a modern economy, you instead want a pre-renaissance ecomony. Good for you...now about that high-tech health care you'll be wanting if you get cancer...will you be paying that by check?

Cancer is uncurable, so far. If there is a cure, please direct me to the place to get the cure from. Maybe some formula that George Washington Carver made out of peanut oil works?

Remember a time when most US citizens had their own farm? Simple, just have most US citizens own their own business and then deal with each other on a barter, exchange, or trade system. Everyone has something that someone else wants. This way the family wealth can be protected by a limited liability corporation, and the wealth can be distributed based on the LLC rules.

No more need for lawyers if software is set up properly on the Internet. All you would need them for would be court dates and other stuff where you appear before a court or judge. Accounting also can be done by software, as well as insurance policies, etc.

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
New Re: We live in a world filled with lies
Norman, sometimes I'm not sure if you're a sage - but the above is assuredly a truthful observation. 'Lies' R Us. Now: worldwide.

And as to "the need for a modern economy" - supposedly a mere rhetorical question? There's the pain & suffering of millions of Muricans - as they accept, cannot evade the yoke of 24/7 mercantile time ownership. They see their children left unattended during formative years -- see 'health' reduced to "your money or your life", while eating really shitty 'fast' food: having lost the capacity to afford the pleasure of "dining" (out OR at home). Note the irony of taking extra jobs so as to be able to buy lots of cute toys.. then have zero time to use these toys, or to live IN that $350K house - driving that $35K car which sits in the Co. parking lot most days. Stir well and bake.

And notice that other countries set quite different priorities = also TAX priorities - to achieve one hell of a lot more humane a safety net. Even recognize that children need attention and people Need vacations! Maybe we are the Individualist Welfare State - a suitably schizophrenic religion for the US (?) - capable of accomplishing *neither aim* with any class..

Still and all.. what we got here? is beside any point. You gotta try to erase that familiar tape that plays in your head ~ life is a bucket of shit. Probably if you could erase that - you'd begin to experience calmness, and without the Pharm-Chem product du jour. From that point you could carefully assess some different ideas about earning $. Daily despising of your ex- lawyer-scum is unrewarding -- there are too many for you to give them equal-time negativity: And that wasted energy COSTS you <<<

You cannot have considered all new possibilities, as change daily: they are infinite. You are just looking through that habitual tunnel = a constant state of living in emergency mode. It's a loop, dontcha know?

Jump Indirect to Self.

Find some way to stifle that mind chatter. If you cannot achieve some peaceful state next - you will stay in this death-loop. (There are people quite familiar with Murican daily mind chatter, who can help you see it for what it is. Go find one.)

New Lies R Us
Am I a sage, or do I just see and tell the truth?

We are led to the slaughter, and I am punished for pointing it out to people. it is, as you said, they work us hard and take away a lot of our time so that we cannot spend it with our families or spend it using the stuff they are making us buy. That is why I don't have a $35K car or $350K house, I drive a beaten up 1987 economy compact car and have a house over 12 years old in a part of the county that hardly anyone else wants to live in.

Take it from Europe, they make it a law to give them employees four weeks vacation at a minimum. Most jobs in the US are lucky to get two weeks, and usually not two weeks at a time, but spread over different parts of the year in one or two days clumps. No sabbaticals to visit family for a month, a limited amount of sick days, and 7 minutes a day to go to the bathroom. Anymore than that, and we get in trouble for a bathroom break.

"Life is a bucket of shit" and someone supersized my order to that Giant Jumbo Bucket of shit that I didn't want. Can I change that tape that plays in my head? I've tried to do that for thrity years, but my mental illness keeps changing the tape back to the "life is a bucket of shit" one. My former employer made things so bad for me, that it may take me years to get back to where I was around 1997 before I was employed by them.

All I am doing is telling the truth about the way things are, and if I am being blacklisted for telling the truth about corp greed and unfairness, then it just shows what dark forces are at work in our economy, government, job market, and society.

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
New I have a simple solution...
having dealt with many people who have had mental illnesses. I say it's simple because it's simple to say... to internalize takes practice.

You only have to remember two things:
1. Yesterday is unimportant. Stay focused on today and tomorrow.

2. People do not make you angry. You allow yourself to become angry by what people do.

If you will do me a favor, commit these two sayings to memory and use them whenever you feel like shit.

To be completely honest, I have been following your posts for a few weeks and wanted to say something. I understand exactly how you feel about life and tend to agree - when I allow myself. What I have come to realize is that I cannot affect the "world", only my little slice of it and I try to act in a manner consistent with my beliefs. I am honest with everyone, I do not try make others look bad, I give to the less fortunate, I hug my son at least 10 times a day, etc... The other thing that I have come to realize is that life is very short, only so many years, months, weeks, days, minutes, seconds. It is a waste of precious time getting upset about things that I cannot control.

Change the tape. Do something constructive to help your ex-peers in the lawfirm if it will help your sense of justice. Do it in your spare time though, and don't let it consume the precious minutes you have remaining. Idle hands lead to idle minds, so keep yourself busy before starting your next career.

FWIW, I (like most everyone else on the planet) and my sanity are on a razor's edge. Deep down I constantly keep watch on the house of cards we call our economy, our safety, my children's future. But day to day I keep my eye on the road directly in front of me, you never know what could jump out in front of you.
Just a few thoughts,


"I'll tip my hat to the new constitution, take a bow for the new revolution, smile and grin at the change all around, pick up my guitar and play, just like yesterday..."

P. Townshend

"Nietzsche has an S in it"
Celina Jones
New Barter doesn't work - that's why we have money.
What is a fair exchange in barter goods or services for what you have to barter? So easy to get victimized when there's no "market price", and so much time negotiating a deal. Are you a good negotiator?

What to do when you need food and nobody who has food happens to need Visual Basic programming just now? OK, that can happen even in a money economy, but it's a lot worse in a barter economy.

Money is an agreed on token for units of value. It allows market comparison, and it allows you to deliver value to B, who wants your services, even though B has nothing you want and C is the one who has what you need. You exchange the tokens given to you by B for C's goods.

I remember a big push for a barter economy in LA, back in the 70's. The glaring inadequacies became obvious pretty immediately, so one group came up with a fix. In the money economy, we call it a "Debit Card", but they thought the concept was pretty revolutionary.

They even came up with a way for new participants to get into the new economy, even though they didn't yet have anything in their account. In the money economy, we call that a "Credit card", but they thought it was a really amazing concept.

Unfortunately, computers were not yet universal, so they had no way to keep the accounts straight and the concept died on the vine. Saved them all from the inconvenience of going to jail for running a bank without a license.

New Coupons!
Instead of money give out coupons, good for one whatever, or product or service. Then someone can buy, sell, or trade the "30 hours of VB Coding" coupon I gave out for that DVD player to someone who needs it.

ys you are correct, it was tried before they kept accurate computer records. I wonder if it would work in today's economy and technology?

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
New Yeah! Coupons! Hey, I've got this great idea!
We'll make the coupons out of paper, about six by two inches or so. To make it hard for people to pretend they have coupons when they don't, we'll print a really complicated design on them, including a picture of some old fart nobody knows about any more.

What color should they be? Well, green would be nice...
New Not realy
I was thinking more of a three inch by three inch design, black and white, with a barcode on it that any "Cuecat" or barcode reader could read. The barcode will contain a serial number, and the person taking the coupon can scan it to check if that serial number was used already or if it is valid. For under $200 you could have a PalmOS based unit to read the coupons.

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
New So, I guess you're going to run right out . .
. . and spend $200 so you can take coupons instead of $20s? If you're woried about the $20s, they have these little brown pens costing a dollar or so . .

Now these serial numbers - I presume they'll be cleared through Microsoft's passport servers? Or do you have another national service in mind?
New Her Wryness the LRPD sez: "Escape from the prison planet."
New Cheaper than a cash register POS system
plus there is no need to use a server to store serial numbers on. If I issue X Visual BASIC coupons, I already know the serial numbers on the coupons I issued and stored them on the PalmOS unit. They PalmOS unit can read them and verify them. If someone decides to photocopy the Coupons, then I'll know it when I scan one and it tells me that the serial number has already been used.

It is sort of like, I Norman, promise to give the bearer of this coupon 30 hours worth if Visual BASIC programming. They can come back to me to get the work done, or trade/buy/sell it to someone else. With the PalmOS unit I can go to their site, scan the coupon and then code in Visual BASIC for 30 hours on their computers. If the coupon is a dupe or the serial number is not in my database then I'll know it was a fraud, and I wouldn't have to do anything except report it to the Police or something, find out where the bogus coupons came from.

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
New Holes you could drive a planet through.
Where there's opportunity for fraud, there will be frauds. They'll gather like flies on a dead possum.

Now, just suppose Visual Basic programmer Melvin issues a coupon for 30 hours of programming. Well, the guy that received them couldn't use them and didn't know anybody who could, so he sold them on eBay. The buyer calls Melvin in. Melvin pushes the magic button on his Palm Pilot. "Jeez man, I don't know where you got this coupon, but it's serial number has already been cashed in. Sorry, no programming. I ought to call the cops, but I'll let you off this time."

Coupons have just become high risk, thus a 30 hour coupon has to be grealy depreciated, which means nobody wants to take coupons. Norm has to issue 90 hours of coupons instead of 30 hours to buy food.

Here's another. George needs Visual Basic programming to modify his software. He sees somone trying to sell some Visual Basic programming coupons, but those are Norm's coupons and his program was written by Melvin. It'll take a long time for Norm to figure out what Melvin has done, so those coupons are nearly worthless to George. On the other hand, a stack of $100s would buy time from any programmer George wanted to use, so he doesn't buy coupons, so coupons become more difficult to sell.

And here's another. Norm needs his car fixed, but the mechanic can't use any Visual Basic programming, so he'll have to trade or sell the coupons. This takes time and involves risk, so Norm has to give him twice as many hours of programming as the mechanic work is worth to cover the overhead. Of course, the guy who ends up with the coupons wants the full face value from Norm. It would have cost Norm only half as much to get his car fixed if he'd paid in $20s.

I could go on and on, but I have some programming that needs to be finished tonight.
New Forget it then!
Nothing I can do is good enough. I think I'll just move my wife and son into an apartment she can afford, and then join Desitter living under a bridge somewhere so we can talk about how messed up the world is.

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
New Norm...you do realize...
that every great idea, at the time, was considered totally idiotic. One businessman went so far as to check with people regarding his idea....if they didn't tell him he was crazy, the idea wasn't far-out enough.
New dont forget to email me which bridge you and doc
are under so I can bring liquid refreshments and gummint cheese.
Mike Doogan
"Then there's figure skating and ice dancing and snowboarding. The winners are all chosen by judges. That's not sports. That's politics. And curling? If curling is a sport, pork rinds are a health food."
New I will do that
Me and D are not that bad yet that we have to live under a bridge. But if we do, I'll see if I can pick out a location and a few alternates in case the cops move us or something. I've seen a lot of homeless near the Metrolink station stops, I imagine one of them will wonder near the tracks sometime and squish, one less homeless person on the streets.

I may just camp out downtown in an area that my ex-coworkers walk nearby, holding a sign that says "XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX, LLP made me homeless" and see their reactions. :) Replace the X's with my former employer's name.

But I have a plan, if I have some money left, I can rent a storage cube and live in that. If I can, I'd get on a library computer and email you the location of the cube. I learned from the Boy Scouts how to make a burner element from a coffee can, a tuna can, a ton of candle wax, and some cardboard. Should be enough to fry some handburgers and other stuff if I can afford it. Just melt the wax into the tuna can, put the cardboard into a coil shape, let it set, and then light the son-a-b*tch when you want to cook and place the coffee can over it making sure to cut three or four airholes on the side of the can. Then to turn it off, just put the coffee can that has the lid on it over the tuna can.

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
New Ya know.
If your wife and son can afford an apartment on thier own, don't you think maybe they'd "let you" hang around and contribute your $9/hr to the household, cramped as it may be? You could sleep in the closet or something? I'm sure the family would appreciate the company rather than worrying about how your self-imposed exile is going.

Also, I'd bet all the good bridges (near the 'Y' and such) are already taken.
Chris Altmann
New It is not about that
it is that I am embarrassed that all I can find is A $9/hr Helpdesk job with all of the experience and qualifications I have. I feel like Marvin the Depressed Android from HHGTTG, "Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and they have me answering calls at a helpdesk...." Not only that, I have to limit my abilities so that I do not outshine the others, because once one person tells a customer how to fix a problem, they expect the others to do that as well. So no registry tweeks, no shortcuts, no advanced configuration of home networks, nada ziltch. Just get them online with one modem (or network card), one machine, and a Windows or MacOS operating system. Try to keep calls under 30 minutes (20 at best) and follow their script and use their logical path and hope that someone in an orange vest doesn't come over and tap me on the shoulder and ask me to put the customer on hold and take a walk with them.

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
New Norm - here's your idea in action
From Time's site - [link|http://www.time.com/time/asia/features/changed_japan/yufu.html|No Yen? No Problem! - Small town bartering]

Recession-ravaged residents of this tiny hot-springs town found a way to improve their standard of living. Stuck with low-paying and seasonal tourism-related jobs, Yufuin's citizens solved a chronic yen-flow problem by boosting the local monetary supply: they print their own currency.
Every yufu user is required to sign the notes they issue. Ultimately they will be called upon to redeem those notes by performing a service for the bearer. The specter of weeks spent washing other people's clothes after a yufu spending spree at the sake shop effectively limits the money supply. The moral: being your own central bank isn't so much fun when the yufu stops here.

Darrell Spice, Jr.

[link|http://home.houston.rr.com/spiceware/|SpiceWare] - We don't do Windows, it's too much of a chore

     A majority of the fault of Sept 11 lies on - (nking) - (44)
         Why, then, do they work for the greedy corps? - (Andrew Grygus) - (4)
             Re: Why, then, do they work for the greedy corps? - (dmarker2)
             But I don't see that happening. - (Brandioch) - (2)
                 They way it really is - (nking) - (1)
                     Remember our own industrial revolution. - (Brandioch)
         The truth shall set you free - (Ashton)
         What a crock - (gtall) - (19)
             We live in a world filled with lies - (nking) - (18)
                 Re: We live in a world filled with lies - (Ashton) - (2)
                     Lies R Us - (nking) - (1)
                         I have a simple solution... - (screamer)
                 Barter doesn't work - that's why we have money. - (Andrew Grygus) - (14)
                     Coupons! - (nking) - (13)
                         Yeah! Coupons! Hey, I've got this great idea! - (Ric Locke) - (11)
                             Not realy - (nking) - (10)
                                 So, I guess you're going to run right out . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (9)
                                     Her Wryness the LRPD sez: "Escape from the prison planet." -NT - (Ashton)
                                     Cheaper than a cash register POS system - (nking) - (7)
                                         Holes you could drive a planet through. - (Andrew Grygus) - (6)
                                             Forget it then! - (nking) - (5)
                                                 Norm...you do realize... - (Simon_Jester)
                                                 dont forget to email me which bridge you and doc - (boxley) - (1)
                                                     I will do that - (nking)
                                                 Ya know. - (altmann) - (1)
                                                     It is not about that - (nking)
                         Norm - here's your idea in action - (SpiceWare)
         Growlf...your right...but your reasons are wrong. - (Simon_Jester) - (3)
             Correct.._____and correct. - (Ashton)
             Yeah, we robbed bin Laden blind. - (marlowe) - (1)
                 Didn't you argue... - (Simon_Jester)
         I kinda see your point.... - (Mike) - (9)
             Bravo!______..and, that's just the Short List_____ -NT - (Ashton)
             It is very simple to understand - (nking) - (7)
                 What's up with that? ____Why merely: - (Ashton) - (4)
                     One thing for sure - (nking) - (3)
                         Not Them.. Us!_____Still looking for a scapegoat? - (Ashton) - (2)
                             Just living costs money - (nking)
                             One of the reasons.... - (Mike)
                 Oh really. - (wharris2) - (1)
                     Not to mention... - (rsf)
         Interesting supposition...(good read) - (bepatient) - (3)
             Hmmm. I disagree on several points - (mhuber)
             Well written - (Ashton) - (1)
                 We did not deserve the WTC attacks - (nking)

Ignore the man behind the curtain!
304 ms