Oddly, I find myself in complete agreement with.. marlowe! in this: indeed a 'Corporation' is not even the map, let alone the territory - it's a random legal construct, meant to facilitate "the common Good (??)" at least - one may suppose that such honorable intentions lie behind the origin. Long long ago.
But only People 'do Evil' - yet that idea sucks too, for all the personalized theological freight attached. No two people would try to define it in exact same synonyms.
Maybe a better idea might be to spend some time filling out a list of things a Healthy org. Would do, Not do - Tolerate as behavior.. Not tolerate. Positive examples can illustrate. Here's one:
Working for a "Nat'l Lab", my fiefdom was somewhere within the overall hierarchy. At one point I noticed that some targets to be exposed to particle beams - brought in by another Nat'l Lab - arrived in sealed (Heliarced!) boxes. No need to go into my rationale, except to say that This NL was a military-sponsored org.
Point: I refused to send them beam until I could inspect, determine the er 'fissionable' possibilities of the object(s). They bounced this up to the Director. He understood the nature of my reservations, but also could not 'assuage' these doubts ~~ "what might they willingly risk for er 'Nat'l Security'..?"
I was supported. They also had to make some changes before being accommodated at other "spaced out" times. (I don't cite this because.. maybe I was ~ right?? - but because of how easily I might have been countermanded, or simply weaseled around. And that didn't happen.)
I believe the same litmus might be applied to various 'creative financing' in the Enron / tip of iceberg, many suspect. All life experience to date tells me:
Most US Corps would fail the litmus, such as these Corps are today and.. such as we are. Forget Evilness - go for Integrity and its absence (it doesn't count when, like M$, there's an Integrity Clause in their {choke, retch} Mission Statement. Natch.)
IMhO - the US truly Needs some Sterling examples of integrity, if we are to rise from the slime of current ethics-free, TLA meaninglessness and ennui.. where employees are listed as Debits in the Econ spreadsheet. There are just too many Horrible Examples, and more and more people are noticing that the $lime slops over across all life here.
It's killing (what's left of) US.