Would you also classify and "not for profit" Corporation as evil then?
Would you classify an educational establishment funded by public moneys and tution as evil then?
You see there are ALOT of evil people in those institutions, largely, faculty only view themselves as the REAL reason to have classes there, and that they are the biggest reason to get what they want.
I work for a College and see many, many, many, many actions that should and do go heavily punished in the Public sector. But in these arenas they go on just as though nothing ever happened. I happen to work for one of those "justifiably evil" persons that recently "discovered" christianity. Reason I say, they now use christianity to "judge" things by. But mystically NONE of thier actions are judged that way. No of the using of "documentation" to inform certain people they knows certain things about peoples activities either using the phone or computer systems in general. Be it infidelity or other things... it is amazing how this person gets thier way a highly inordinate amount of the time.
Now, Jay after this little tidbits of info, I would also tell you there are alot of other people in those educational establishment and other not for profit corporations that are indeed evil. Take a look at Greenpeace, they out and out do BAD things to PEOPLE not to Corporations, and they do it consistently and without duress. They usually have thought it out carefully on how to COST the most money or inflist the most pain or to get the biggest piece of propaganda, all while using the same "remove themselves from liability" thinking you are talking about.
Hope you get my picture I am trying to paint. If not... ask for clarification.
I tolerate the person in question here at my place of work, mainly cause I believe I can change things from the ground up, using the TOP down appraoch!! (been getting some headway as of late)