problem being the only mandate is I must be on site
between the hrs of 10 and 3 being Customer Service, the rest is folklore etc. What annoys the shit out of me is how many hrs I am there if they need me until midnight and beyond many times. Working 24 shifts to support people. When I interviewed here and the same 2 guys spoke with me I said if there is nothing to do I am not a person to hang around for the sake of form, I dont get overtime so dont expect me to be here more than 8 hrs. What really fscking annoys mr is that I have a cube accross from one of the alleged whiners and asked him a question he replied not now I am on lunch, his right but to me if I drive x miles everyday for a paycheck and dont get paid ot dont fscking annoy me when there is no crunch. Since this attitude will be examined and AT&T just announced another 2k+ layoffs this conversation is prolly acedemic. Time to get the fuck outta dodge.
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk