(And if anyone still imagines that They Couldn't Possibly Try That -??- what with 'demo' congress, yada: that person does not recognize the complete nullification of any remaining un-raped parts of the (former) US Constitution, via so simple a phrase as) - -
FLASH!! Emergency declared!
Today US forces [bombed, strafed, infiltrated, targeted-for-missiles] a location in Iran.. further information on this dastardly and provocative action by the Sudetenland Iranian government {blah} on the evening news.
As much as the neocons want to simply invade Iran, there simply isn't the support to do it. Neither congress, the public nor the military can be expected to back them at this point. Thus a simple, direct action like the invasion of Iraq is out of the question.
The most likely way we end up at war with Iran now goes something like this. Israel (with massive but unstated US help) launches bomber raids against Iran's nuclear capacity. Iran retaliates, either against Israel or against Israel and US forces. Either way, the US is forced to intervene by "events beyond our control" and is acting purely in "self defense."
What happens then is pure guess work, but involves a lot of "all hell breaks loose."