game. I mean.. does it not go without Saying (?)
Whatever cockamamie piece of legislative legerdemain oozes out of committee (talk about a guaranteed conflict of interest for Every 'voting' member!) shall be modeled on Windoze source code.
The back-door poison-pills will emerge only after later study (by which time some New item has its 15 Minutes of Fame). The immediately obvious loopholes shall be defended as "about free speech" and the usual rubrics for "Conserving" all those "Traditions" against any Changes [er Liberal-izations ~ boo hiss on command]. Click. Rewind. Replay.
Every critter relaxes after seeing that the lawyerspeak shall render it all unintelligible to even a dedicated reading. Talk shall center around variants of, "what it Really is saying" - and how wonderful that such forthright action is finally occurring (!)
It will go the way of the phony 'tax rebate' (by and for, those members of big government who are against big governmment. Would they lie about that?)
blessed are those who expect -
(ie. we're fucked. This is news?)