It is a measure of the museum\ufffds daring that dinosaurs and fossils \ufffd once considered major challenges to belief in the Bible\ufffds creation story \ufffd are here so central, appearing not as tests of faith, as one religious authority once surmised, but as creatures no different from the giraffes and cats that still walk the earth. Fossils, the museum teaches, are no older than Noah\ufffds flood; in fact dinosaurs were on the ark.
It was either here or science. I am tempted to go see it, but I can't support them. I don't see how they are going to generate enough visitors in the long run to be self-supporting. It is not like a Natural History museum where they are continually updating our knowledge of our world. The Creation Museum on the other hand, once you seen it what need will there be to go back? How much can it change?