Trying to amass support for creation of an OSS Search Engine to rival the $$-Greedheads (and especially, clear from comments - lest Billy Co. and clones get tentacles further into Corporatizing everything..)
A fool's errand?
To this non Sys Analyst - it *ALL* seems to have devolved into Y.A.N. way of taking the already insufferably omnipresent AD to suffocating new depths. An entire 'civilization' with no fresh idea beyond Selling More Stuff Forever. Just that: a pathetic liff of marketing - squandered upon a once beautiful planet.
The Wells interview ties in Perfectly with the Dr. Who episode tonight (apparently the '05 Season in the real world, with perky Billie Piper - apparently not a long-lived cast, this time around.. per Static's hint of a current series sans this promising duo. Pity.)
Entitled, The Long Game:
It is set in the year 100,000 - again, in a space (Broadcasting!) station cruising above Terra for ~ 90 years. All the people on Terra (some 96B of them + the many others in nearby astral places, all have their histories, habits, hysterias recorded er, centrally. And much more.)
The Dr. + Rose + her temp boyfriend TARDIS-in, (the latter a cluless stereotypical 2005 PFY - whose insouciance nearly screws things up for our protagonists.)
Clearly a polemic about the data warehousing futchah + the usual motives of Absolute Power coveted by the invariable git - with an alien overlord here thrown in as "Programmer of the flock" (though we'd generate many home-grown berzerkers, as always.) The Editor a banker.. is human intermediary twixt the nasty creature and the pacified, lectronically conditioned masses.
Rather succinctly, the plot posits the ease with which "culture" is so malleable as to be easily altered via The Omnipresent Lectronic Media.
Conversely - a rebuttal to those who fancy that our evolved jelloware is sooo Sturdy that ... ummm, Farmily Valuez shall overome all efforts to say, turn us into mindless consumers of corporate-generated swill. In just a short 100,000 years.
Not bad for a 3/4 hour serial - Brevity Award.
Ohh.. Wait! umm, never mind.
Hell, it wasn't even futchah fiction :-/