Well, Califlowerchildren at least know -
that Los Alamos began from a few buildings of that ilk; the site having been recalled precisely from: Oppie's childhood experiences Riding Horses thereabouts. Groves agreed - a perfect locale for Hiding Stuff.
Been there ... a while back, when it was less er, 'recreationally visitable?'-- pretending to admire an ex-cohort's shiny new VAX (all to hisself, for clever physics things.) Then saw his solar-adobe, back on the flatlands. Looked to me like it Was a pretty horsey place, before we brought it up to Murican mega-death Efficiency Standards.
Dunno about winter. I found the Bomb Museum sufficiently off-putting.. not to give a shit about say, some way of mixing-up recreation$ + death$ ?? (to somewhat oversimplify the mood produced there, in this jelloware.)