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New Have you played games in /proc?
Have you played games uping the shared mem limits in proc? The kernel defaults are way too low for shared mapping hungry programs like databases. Do you know what proc files to play with?

David "Lord Beatnik"
New Re: Have you played games in /proc?
I tried allocating more physical shared memory, and making each segment larger.

But, alas, the problem is with the stinkin' handles themselves.

New Not done it myself but...
Did a google search and [link|http://folk.uio.no/hakonon/oracle/iouga/doc/html/148.html|this] has promising looking information about what to adjust before recompiling a kernel with more shared memory handles.

Worth a shot at least.

New Re: Have you played games in /proc?
have you increased the number in /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni ? It's supposed to control the maximum number of segments allowed. It is shared memory mappings running out, not semaphores or msgs right?

David "LordBeatnik"
New Re: Have you played games in /proc?
Yeah. Like this:

$cd /proc


Shill For Hire
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
     Good distribution of Linux with more shared memory handles? - (gdaustin) - (7)
         Have you played games in /proc? - (lordbeatnik) - (4)
             Re: Have you played games in /proc? - (gdaustin) - (2)
                 Not done it myself but... - (ben_tilly)
                 Re: Have you played games in /proc? - (lordbeatnik)
             Re: Have you played games in /proc? - (pwhysall)
         Have you tried RH 7.2? - (static)
         Linux with more shared memory handles? - (folkert)

Nine crows at nine o'clock nigh.
62 ms