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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Got a few openings at my company
Manager for product development is the most interesting to this group (or so I judge).

The product is finally getting ported to the web from a proprietary hardware/software delivery system. It is descended from the old U of I PLATO system with some integration of old early Lotus notes crap thrown in for good measure (lots of divergence since then). We provide alternative education to remote sites all over US/Canada and are starting to hit other countries. Huge library of lessons/classes mostly concentrated in k-12. I think the languages in use currently are c++ and java. Html is done with Dreamweaver (IIRC). This is one of three products. All will be eventually integrated into one platform. As soon as I get notice the job is offically open I will post the job description. Anyone who gets it will have to move to Champaign Il. I am pretty sure the salary is low 6 figures. That is very good for the location (generally 10-15 % lower than national average). Housing is quite reasonable in this area with some fantastic deals on truly grand houses.
With this much manure around, there must be a pony somewhere.
New You ever play "Saitank" on PLATO back in the 70's?
"Prepare for metamorphosis. Ready, Kafka?"
New Nah, never even heard of PLATO till a couple years ago
With this much manure around, there must be a pony somewhere.
     Good news - (Steve Lowe) - (3)
         Got a few openings at my company - (Silverlock) - (2)
             You ever play "Saitank" on PLATO back in the 70's? -NT - (bconnors) - (1)
                 Nah, never even heard of PLATO till a couple years ago -NT - (Silverlock)

I would never pay to play something like this.
34 ms