Post #283,775
5/3/07 8:02:54 AM

Strings for sale
A coworker says her husband is selling off some of his guitars and things. Let me know if there is any interest and I'll pass the word along.
$35 -- Rogue Mandolin ( [link||http://www.musicians...ndolin?sku=519193] ) $60 -- Rogue Acoustic, Dreadnought ( [link||http://www.musicians...Guitar?sku=511192] ) $70 -- Peavey Backstage Plus 35W (circa 1984) amplifier. **$100 -- Gretch Acoustic, 12-String, from the 70's. (sale pending) **$150 -c- Epiphone, Les Paul, Illinois logo (Officially Licensed Product) (sale pending) $195 -- Washburn WG587, Red, 7-string ( [link||] ) $250 -- Washburn, Dime36 G17 w/ gig bag ( [link||] ) $395 -c- Fender Squier II, Stratocaster, Floyd Rose Tremolo, w/ gig bag, one of a kind. $895 -c- Schecter, twin-tribal, w/ hardshell case ( [link||http://namm.harmony-.../Twin-Tribal.html] )
don period richards splat pearson period com
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Post #283,781
5/3/07 8:44:53 AM

Got a pic of the Squire?
Seems a bit pricey..since I can get a Mex Fender for the same price brand new...but I have been looking to add some twang to the lineup.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #283,798
5/3/07 11:10:02 AM

Will try.
She says their camera lost battery power. Maybe get a picture around lunchtime.
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Post #283,827
5/3/07 3:14:54 PM

Got pics. Where should I send 'em?
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Post #283,829
5/3/07 3:16:23 PM

Re: Got pics. Where should I send 'em?
my user name at comcast dot net
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #283,830
5/3/07 3:17:55 PM

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Post #283,839
5/3/07 7:04:37 PM

Korean HSS strats are significantly less than his price tag. Standards sell around 150...and even if I add 100 for the FR (which looks authentic) I don't get anywhere near his price tag.
50 less and I can get a [link||neck-through LTD]
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #283,801
5/3/07 11:20:31 AM

Re: Strings for sale
Squier is overpriced, beep - I'd buy a taco strat over that, personally.
Most everything else looks reasonable.
If the mandolin isn't sold, I'm interested - also if the sale falls through on the 12 string, have them email me at
Thanks for posting that, Don!
-- Steve [link||Ubuntu]
Post #283,805
5/3/07 11:35:08 AM

Depends on the work
Sure he's trying to make up the install of the FR...and the Taco Strat will have the base fender "trem" bridge...which sux rocks. Willing to pay a bit extra for that.
Too much of today's music is fashionable crap dressed as artistry.Adrian Belew
Post #283,838
5/3/07 4:58:46 PM

If a Floyd's your thang :)
Not much of trem guy myself, so the occasional use of a strat fulcrum trem or a Bigsby has never been a problem. Also, make sure it's a real Floyd - there's lots of knockoffs - and 'Floyd Rose designed' units out there that are nowhere near the real thing. Good luck!
-- Steve [link||Ubuntu]
Post #283,811
5/3/07 1:10:46 PM

Message passed on.
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Post #284,026
5/5/07 9:25:44 PM

Mando is on its way to me, thanks Don.
-- Steve [link||Ubuntu]