Poor construction, improper design, substandard materials and lack of maintenance have brought into question the usefulness of seven of eight U.S.-funded Iraq reconstruction projects.

So says an inspector general report that recently examined the eight reconstruction projects.

For example, just 10 of the 17 electrical generators installed at a cost of almost $12 million at the Baghdad International Airport were operational. There was no plan for their maintenance, including keeping oil levels up, the report said.

Expensive generators were missing from the Camp Ur military base, having been hauled off to another post, the report said. Also at Camp Ur, three modular buildings constructed at a cost of $1.8 million were dismantled and removed with no explanation given.

Apparently, even when the contract is finished the contractors leave and no concern is given to long term maintenance or security. So the newly renovated buildings are quickly stripped of anything of value.
