(First a minor nit, this is Barry's company, not mine.)

The basic point is that in a team development environment there isn't room for would-be prima donnas. In fact having people try to be that is seriously detrimental to the project and their co-workers.

Now being a prima donna is one way to handle slacking co-workers when you have small projects. But if you are routinely tackling projects that require a division of labour among a half-dozen developers who need to cooperate closely, then most of the time you don't get to be the lead, you don't get to keep the project, and if you try then you are a liability.

You may be used to an environment where a loose cannon can routinely take on multiple projects at a time and complete them. That doesn't scale to more complex projects when you are working on a fixed deadline. My personal further opinion is that where a single developer can keep things humming, I know very few developers who I think would be better at doing that than Barry Roomberg...
