Yes and no, I don't doubt the utility of putting a country's face on the enemy. On the other hand, N. Korea is hellbent on putting nuclear warheads on missles to threaten the U.S....they think it will help negotiate the U.S. out of S. Korea (according to a Korean friend) so they can finally finishing having their war. Iran (informally via the mullahs) and Iraq (formally via Saddam "born to kill" Hussein) are a threat. Both seem hell bent on getting access to better weapons. Rafshanjani (sp?) made a comment once that nuking Israel would be worth a few Iranian cities going boom because it would mean the end of Israel. What charming man, willing to sacrifice millions of his own people for martyrdom. of his defectors visited Indy recently and explained how the Taliban were bush-league compared to what Saddam does to his people.