I think the term is "WTF".
Ummmm, didn't we WIN the First World War?
Germany and Japan didn't become our allies because we were surrender monkeys. They became our allies because we taught them it was a bad idea to be our enemies.
Sooooooooooooo, we didn't teach Germany this during WWI?
Yet Germany came back for WWII.
So, I'm a bit confused on your logic here.
If we beat them, then they will be our allies.
But, when we beat Germany, they became our enemy again.
There's a disconnect in your train of thought.
As for what started WWI, I think Bill has correctly explained that.
But, the question I have for >YOU< is WHY is that important? I'm showing that >YOUR< "logic" is flawed. The same as the "logic" in that article. It is "simplistic" to get into a fight. Solving the >PROBLEM< is complex.
You can get into war after war after war and >NEVER< solve the problem. You just keep raising generations who have a reason to hate.