[link|http://www.c-span.org/special/attorneys.asp|C-SPAN's USAs Section].

In isolation, his [link|http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/003050.php|arguments that some of the USAs were removed because they weren't running their offices well, and so forth], might make some sense. But I do hope someone asked him these questions that come to my mind:

1) If they were fired for cause, why were the firings discussed 2 years ago?

2) If they were fired for cause, why were they all fired together?

In short, even a cursory examination of the record indicates that Gonzales was not being truthful today. Of course, that's not surprising given his previous testimony before Congress...

[edit:] What seems to be a pretty comprehensive summary of the hearing today is [link|http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601070&sid=aDdE5wITjsfE&refer=politics|here] at Bloomberg.
