Thank you
To BP:
I suppose that my personal experience does not count, but theirs does?
Where can I start with links? How about that Normandy Hospital that closed that I stated as evidence and it is a fact?
[link|http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/business/special/pdtop5000.nsf/story/225098D38A799A5A862568DD0077FE58?OpenDocument|Five hospitals to close in STL area]
Where are the rich guys to bail out these hospitals and give them more money to stay open? Where is the government on paying for medicare services that hospitals provide? Where is the money that was suppsed to trickle down to these hospitals and the poor that could not afford medical services? Even Canada has a better medical system than us.
[link|http://www.geocities.com/conservative05/supplysideeconomics.html|Supply side economics]
Supply side economics work only in an ideal situation. Many risks are involved in the policy. If the rich do not invest the money in the lower classes, the policy fails. Herbert Hoover was also a big fan of trickle down economics and it is part of the reason this country went into a depression during his administration. In an address to Congress in 1930, he said, \ufffdOur leading business concerns have sustained wages\ufffd These measures have maintained higher degrees of consumption than would have otherwise been the case\ufffd They have thus prevented a large measure of unemployment.\ufffd But, the country knew and felt the real truth behind the words.
[link|http://www.lecturenow.com/People/PatChoate.htm|Pat Choate] holds a PHD in economics and has spoken out against Supply Side economics before.
Read [link|http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0896083284/qid=1013740758/sr=1-12/ref=sr_1_12/002-8275876-5199244|Mink Coats Don't Trickle Down : The Economic Attack on Women and People of Color] it has some interesting evidence and cases that show that the money does not trickle down.
I am still waiting for your proof that supply side economics works. If so, explain the recession after the Reagan/Bush years, explain Herbert Hover and the depression.
Another case example of supply side economics failing:
[link|http://beacon-www.asa.utk.edu/issues/v76/n66/venable.67v.html|Reaganomics kills Journal, causes job losses] your tax dollars at work taking companies out of business.
I remember that the St. Louis Post Dispatch and the St. Louis Globe Democrat went head to head about a decade or longer ago. Guess which newspaper is still in print with modern headlines?
[link|http://www.youdebate.com/DEBATES/REAGANOMICS.HTM|Some more facts pro and con on Reaganomics] check out the poll as well.
[link|http://www.mojones.com/mother_jones/MJ95/fair.html|Big fat lies]
[link|http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/pub/irs-soi/00db01co.xls|IRS collectable tax for 2000 and 1999] notice the amount collected from corporations and individuals. Which group pays more taxes? [link|http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/pub/irs-soi/00db07co.xls|Fiscal years 1971-2000] notice how the amount of personal income taxes went up, relative to the Corp income taxes.
But anyway the US isn't the only country where the rich pay less taxes [link|http://www.perceptions.couk.com/taxone.html|Check out this UK chart]
"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."

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Feb. 14, 2002, 11:22:14 PM EST