1. I've always designed the comic for the web, so all images are naturally at 72 dpi. Over the years due to various hardware problems, changes to software and random stupidity I've managed to lose about 75% of the originals of my comics, which means that any serious effort at creating dead-tree reprints will require redrawing comics.
1a. All my comics are in color, which vastly increases printing costs.
2. You need a certain level of readership to make selling compilations viable... I get about 8.2-8.5K readers a day, but that's peanuts compared to the really successful webcomics out there. Given that only a very tiny fraction of a comic winds up willing and able to purchase reprints, t-shirts, and other kinds of swag (general estimates based on the observations of cartoonists who *do* sell product is around 1%) I'm not sure it'd be worth the initial investment at this point.
I did think about using Lulu at one point, but while they're apparently really good for publishing black and white compilations, color is very expensive for them and that hikes up the base cost per page of what you're trying to sell...