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New "Sleepers" - late-Cold War dramedy
I caught one episode of [link|http://www.amazon.com/Sleepers-Nigel-Havers/dp/B000L2127W/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2/002-2489031-3680034?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1176670602&sr=1-2|this] about fifteen years ago when it was broadcast stateside under the PBS "Masterpiece Theatre" imprimatur. The premise relies on what the producers did not realize was a historical sliver of time: in the reformed glasnost USSR it is belatedly discovered that two KGB "sleeper" agents inserted into the United Kingdom in 1965 are unaccounted for in 1991, their handler having been purged back in the day. A fanatical "Ninotchka"-like KGB major takes it upon herself to track down the missing moles, each of whom turns out to be quite comfortably ensconced in his respective (and widely separated) class tier, and reluctant to return to the rodina. Probably not a keeper, but once it shows up on Netflix likely worth four hours of your attention as a kind of coda to Cold War narratives.

Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.
New A rousing second.. er,
Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle..

Loved this plot.. funny, lovable and just a bloody good sendup of the asinine behavior of the punctilious, wherever found. Remembering Mad's Spy VS Spy + Fatherland Security's pious homilies (with technicolored threat-levels) is bound to cause, though - a few tears of recognition of just how far we haven't yet toddled.. amidst the fun.

Hard to believe 'twas 15 years; maybe I saw a rerun nearer -10?
Saw Joanna Kanska, who played the Tier-up of Loose-ends, in at least one other show (Mystery?) Ditto Nigel Havers.. a pretty boy but much more - maybe again, in that one with the foxy Joanna - frabjous joy. I note that her name/link mentions some other works; titles ring no bells.

Nice to know it's out there; thought it had disappeared - despite its worthiness of a rerun on the local PBS agenda, any old time. [Shall we lobby those sometimes unimaginitive prog. directors? KTEH/San Jose is ever more venturesome than stodgy/BIG KQED == I send them more $]

Any one finding this one unfunny, -?- well that's probably someone in the same local agit-prop cell as marlowe, whom we must presume is now working 24/7 on making those remote controlled War-at-a Safe-distance model airyplanes fully nuke-equipped ... surely equally hilarious, in a lugubrious/resigned sort of way.

Gracias compa\ufffdero

New It is available on Netflix
I watched the first 2 episodes. It is definitely character driven, slow moving but interesting. It is British, so keep an eye out for the irony.
     "Sleepers" - late-Cold War dramedy - (rcareaga) - (2)
         A rousing second.. er, - (Ashton)
         It is available on Netflix - (Seamus)

Last minute panic is my Muse.
84 ms